This plugin reads legacy Alpine3D meteorological input files. It reads the meteo1d.txt file that contains, as measured at one unique location, the following fields:
- air temperature in field ta
- incoming short wave radiation in field iswr
- wind velocity in field vw
- relative humidity in field rh
- incoming long wave radiation in field ea
- precipitations in field nswc
and optionally a list of stations with their measurements (meteo2d files) for the following parameters (with YYYY being the 4-digits year):
- precipitations (file named precYYYY.txt)
- relative humidity (file named rhumYYYY.txt)
- air temperature (file named tairYYYY.txt)
- wind speed (file named wspdYYYY.txt)
- and optionnally wind direction (file named wdirYYYY.txt)
The units are assumed to be the following:
- temperatures in celsius
- relative humidity in %
- wind speed in m/s
- precipitations in mm/h
- radiation in W/m²
This plugin uses the following keywords:
- METEOPATH: string containing the path to the meteorological files (ie: where to find meteo1d.txt and meteo2d files)
- COORDSYS: input coordinate system (see Coords) specified in the [Input] section
- COORDPARAM: extra input coordinates parameters (see Coords) specified in the [Input] section
- COORDSYS: output coordinate system (see Coords) specified in the [Output] section
- COORDPARAM: extra output coordinates parameters (see Coords) specified in the [Output] section
- POIFILE: a path+file name to the a file containing grid coordinates of Points of Interest (for special outputs). Everything after a comment marker will be ignored until the end of the line.
METEOPATH = ./input/meteo