MeteoIODoc 20250312.660e6d76
mio::Date Member List

This is the complete list of members for mio::Date, including all inherited members.

calculateDate(const double &i_julian, int &out_year, int &out_month, int &out_day)mio::Dateprotectedstatic
calculateJulianDate(const int &in_year, const int &in_month, const int &in_day, const int &in_hour, const int &in_minute, const double &i_second)mio::Dateprotectedstatic
calculateTime(const double &i_julian, int &o_hour, int &o_minute, double &o_second)mio::Dateprotectedstatic
calculateValues(const double &i_julian, int &out_year, int &out_month, int &out_day, int &out_hour, int &out_minute, double &o_second)mio::Dateprotectedstatic
CLOSEST enum valuemio::Date
Date(const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
Date(const double &julian_in, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
Date(const int &year, const int &month, const int &day, const int &hour, const int &minute, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
Date(const int &year, const int &month, const int &day, const int &hour, const int &minute, const int &second, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
Date(const int &year, const int &month, const int &day, const int &hour, const int &minute, const double &second, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
Date(const time_t &)mio::Date
Date(const int &year, const double &jdn, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
DIN enum valuemio::Date
DOWN enum valuemio::Date
FORMATS enum namemio::Date
FULL enum valuemio::Date
getDate(double &julian_out, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getDate(int &year, int &month, int &day, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getDate(int &year, int &month, int &day, int &hour, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getDate(int &year, int &month, int &day, int &hour, int &minute, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getDate(int &year, int &month, int &day, int &hour, int &minute, double &second, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getDate(int &year, int &month, int &day, int &hour, int &minute, int &second, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getDayOfWeek(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getExcelDate(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getISOWeekNr(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getISOWeekNr(int &ISO_year, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getJulian(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getJulianDayNumber(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getJulianDayNumber(const int &, const int &, const int &)mio::Dateprotectedstatic
getMatlabDate(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getModifiedJulianDate(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getRFC868Date(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getTime(int &hour_out, int &minute_out, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getTime(int &hour_out, int &minute_out, double &second_out, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getTimeZone() constmio::Date
getTruncatedJulianDate(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
getUnixDate() constmio::Date
getYear(const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
GMTToLocal(const double &in_gmt_julian) constmio::Dateprotected
isLeapYear() constmio::Date
isLeapYear(const int &)mio::Dateprotectedstatic
ISO enum valuemio::Date
ISO_DATE enum valuemio::Date
ISO_TZ enum valuemio::Date
ISO_WEEK enum valuemio::Date
ISO_Z enum valuemio::Date
isUndef() constmio::Dateinline
localToGMT(const double &in_julian) constmio::Dateprotected
mod(const double &julian, const unsigned int &seconds)mio::Datestatic
mod(const Date &indate, const unsigned int &seconds)mio::Datestatic
NUM enum valuemio::Date
operator!=(const Date &) constmio::Date
operator*(const double &) constmio::Date
operator*=(const double &)mio::Date
operator+(const Date &) constmio::Date
operator+(const double &) constmio::Date
operator+=(const Date &)mio::Date
operator+=(const double &)mio::Date
operator-(const Date &) constmio::Date
operator-(const double &) constmio::Date
operator-=(const Date &)mio::Date
operator-=(const double &)mio::Date
operator/(const double &) constmio::Date
operator/=(const double &)mio::Date
operator<(const Date &) constmio::Date
operator<=(const Date &) constmio::Date
operator==(const Date &) constmio::Date
operator>(const Date &) constmio::Date
operator>=(const Date &) constmio::Date
parseTimeZone(const std::string &timezone_iso)mio::Datestatic
plausibilityCheck(const int &in_year, const int &in_month, const int &in_day, const int &in_hour, const int &in_minute, const double &in_second)mio::Dateprotectedstatic
printFractionalDay(const double &fractional)mio::Datestatic
rnd(const double &julian, const double &precision, const RND &type=CLOSEST)mio::Datestatic
rnd(const double &precision, const RND &type=CLOSEST)mio::Date
rnd(const Date &indate, const double &precision, const RND &type=CLOSEST)mio::Datestatic
RND enum namemio::Date
setDate(const Date &in_date)mio::Date
setDate(const double &julian_in, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setDate(const int &year, const int &month, const int &day, const int &hour, const int &minute, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setDate(const int &year, const int &month, const int &day, const int &hour, const int &minute, const int &second, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setDate(const int &year, const int &month, const int &day, const int &hour, const int &minute, const double &second, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setDate(const int &year, const unsigned int &month, const unsigned int &day, const unsigned int &hour, const unsigned int &minute, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setDate(const int &year, const unsigned int &month, const unsigned int &day, const unsigned int &hour, const unsigned int &minute, const unsigned int &second, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setDate(const int &year, const unsigned int &month, const unsigned int &day, const unsigned int &hour, const unsigned int &minute, const double &second, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setDate(const int &year, const double &jdn, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setDate(const time_t &in_time)mio::Date
setExcelDate(const double excel_in, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setMatlabDate(const double matlab_in, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setModifiedJulianDate(const double &julian_in, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setRFC868Date(const double &julian_in, const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setTimeZone(const double &in_timezone)mio::Date
setUndef(const bool &flag=true)mio::Date
setUnixDate(const time_t &in_time)mio::Date
toString(const FORMATS &type, const bool &gmt=false) constmio::Date
toString() constmio::Date
UP enum valuemio::Date