MeteoIODoc 2.11.0


This is for reading grid data in the ARC-GIS format, or more properly, ESRI ascii grid format (see We consider the following specification (in the absence of an official specification):

  • a single space character is used as field spearator
  • the header data is right aligned to the 23rd column
  • float header data has 3 digits precision
  • all grid data is written as float (which might cause some trouble for some softwares)

These specifications should reflect commonly accepted practise. Finally, the naming scheme for meteo grids should be: YYYY-MM-DDTHH.mm_{MeteoGrids::Parameters}.asc


The distances are assumed to be in meters.


This plugin uses the following keywords:

  • COORDSYS: input coordinate system (see Coords) specified in the [Input] section
  • COORDPARAM: extra input coordinates parameters (see Coords) specified in the [Input] section
  • COORDSYS: output coordinate system (see Coords) specified in the [Output] section
  • COORDPARAM: extra output coordinates parameters (see Coords) specified in the [Output] section
  • GRID2DPATH: meteo grids directory where to read/write the grids; [Input] and [Output] sections
  • GRID2DEXT: grid file extension, or none for no file extension (default: .asc)
  • A3D_VIEW: use Alpine3D's grid viewer naming scheme (default=false)? [Input] and [Output] sections.
  • DEMFILE: for reading the data as a DEMObject
  • LANDUSE: for interpreting the data as landuse codes
  • DAPATH: path+prefix of file containing data assimilation grids (named with ISO 8601 basic date and .sca extension, example ./input/dagrids/
GRID2DPATH = ./input/surface-grids
#reading ARC dem
DEMFILE = ./input/surface-grids/Switzerland_1000m.asc