MeteoIODoc 2.11.0


This is for reading grid data in the ARPS grid format (it transparently supports both true ARPS ascii grids and grids modified by the ARPSGRID utility). DEM reading works well while reading meteo parameters might be a rough ride (since ARPS files do not always contain a consistent set of meteo fields).

It is possible to manually print the list of available variables as well as extract a whole section, for a given variable with the following one line scripts, in order to ease debugging:

awk '/^ [a-z]/{print $0}' {arps_file}
awk '/^ [a-z]/{isVar=0} /^ radsw/{isVar=1;next} {if(isVar) print $0}' {arps_file}


All units are assumed to be MKSA.


This plugin uses the following keywords:

  • COORDSYS: coordinate system (see Coords); [Input] and [Output] section
  • COORDPARAM: extra coordinates parameters (see Coords); [Input] and [Output] section
  • DEMFILE: path and file containing the DEM; [Input] section
  • ARPS_XCOORD: x coordinate of the lower left corner of the grids; [Input] section
  • ARPS_YCOORD: y coordinate of the lower left corner of the grids; [Input] section
  • GRID2DPATH: path to the input directory where to find the arps files to be read as grids; [Input] section
  • GRID3DPATH: path to the input directory where to find the arps 3D files to be read as grids; [Input] section
  • ARPS_EXT: arps file extension, or none for no file extension (default: .asc)
DEMFILE = ./wgrt10r2_vw4.asc
ARPS_X = 653400
ARPS_Y = 112204