48 GridTimeseriesResampling(
const std::string& i_algoname,
const std::string& i_parname,
const double& dflt_window_size,
const std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >& vecArgs,
const Config &in_cfg);
50 void resample(
const Date& date,
const std::map<Date, Grid2DObject>& all_grids,
Grid2DObject& resampled_grid)
51 std::string
const override;
54 std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > vecArgs_;
56 std::string base_algorithm_;
A class that reads a key/value file. These files (typically named *.ini) follow the INI file format s...
Definition: Config.h:77
A class to handle timestamps. This class handles conversion between different time display formats (I...
Definition: Date.h:87
A class to represent 2D Grids. Typical application as DEM or Landuse Model.
Definition: Grid2DObject.h:42
Interface class for grid resampling algorithms.
Definition: GridResamplingAlgorithms.h:38
This grid resampling class builds time series at all grid positions and sends them to meteo 1d resamp...
Definition: GridTimeseriesResampling.h:46
std::string toString() const override
Print this algorithm's properties to a stream.
Definition: GridTimeseriesResampling.cc:54
GridTimeseriesResampling(const std::string &i_algoname, const std::string &i_parname, const double &dflt_window_size, const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &vecArgs, const Config &in_cfg)
Constructor for a grid resampling algorithm.
Definition: GridTimeseriesResampling.cc:39
void resample(const Date &date, const std::map< Date, Grid2DObject > &all_grids, Grid2DObject &resampled_grid) override
Perform temporal grid resampling.
Definition: GridTimeseriesResampling.cc:70