MeteoIODoc 20250312.660e6d76
mio::DEMObject Class Reference

Detailed Description

A class to represent DEMs and automatically compute some properties. This class stores elevation grids and their georeferencing, expressed as the lower-left coordinates, the cellsize (cells are assumed to be square) and a nodata code for potentially empty cells (The nodata parameter is supposed to be IOUtils::nodata). This class also automatically computes local slope, azimuth, curvature, normals and minimal/maximal for normalization. Various algorithms are available to compute these properties (see mio::DEMObject::slope_type) and it is possible to toggle between automatic refresh or not. Several other DEM related values can be computed, such as the horizon, displacements within the DEM, etc.

Gaƫl Rosset - Mathias Bavay

#include <DEMObject.h>

Public Types

enum  slope_type {
  CORR , D8
 Keywords for slope computation algorithm. More...
enum  update_type {
 Keywords for automatic update of parameters. They can be combined with "|". More...
 Keywords for selecting the toString formats. More...

Public Member Functions

 DEMObject (const slope_type &i_algorithm=DFLT)
 Default constructor. Initializes all variables to 0, except lat/long which are initialized to IOUtils::nodata. More...
 DEMObject (const size_t &ncols_in, const size_t &nrows_in, const Coords &llcorner_in, const double &init)
 Constructor that sets a constant DEM. More...
 DEMObject (const size_t &ncols_in, const size_t &nrows_in, const double &cellsize_in, const Coords &llcorner_in, const slope_type &i_algorithm=DFLT)
 Constructor that sets variables. More...
 DEMObject (const double &cellsize_in, const Coords &llcorner_in, const Array2D< double > &altitude_in, const bool &i_update=true, const slope_type &i_algorithm=DFLT)
 Constructor that sets variables. More...
 DEMObject (const Grid2DObject &dem_in, const bool &i_update=true, const slope_type &i_algorithm=DFLT)
 Constructor that sets variables from a Grid2DObject. More...
 DEMObject (const DEMObject &i_dem, const size_t &i_nx, const size_t &i_ny, const size_t &i_ncols, const size_t &i_nrows, const bool &i_update=true, const slope_type &i_algorithm=DFLT)
 Constructor that sets variables from a subset of another DEMObject, given an origin (X,Y) (first index being 0) and a number of columns and rows. More...
void setDefaultAlgorithm (const std::string &i_algorithm)
 Sets the default slope calculation algorithm. More...
void setDefaultAlgorithm (const slope_type &i_algorithm)
 Sets the default slope calculation algorithm. More...
int getDefaultAlgorithm () const
 Get the default slope calculation algorithm. More...
void setUpdatePpt (const update_type &in_update_flag)
 Set the properties that will be calculated by the object when updating The following properties can be turned on/off: slope/azimuth and/or normals, and/or curvatures. Flags are combined using the binary "|" operator. More...
int getUpdatePpt () const
 Get the properties that will be calculated by the object when updating. More...
void setCurvatureScale (const double &in_curvature_scale)
 Set the curvature length scale for calculating curvature. More...
void update (const std::string &algorithm)
 Force the computation of the local slope, azimuth, normal vector and curvature. It has to be called manually since it can require some time to compute. Without this call, the above mentionned parameters are NOT up to date. More...
void update (const slope_type &algorithm=DFLT)
 Force the computation of the local slope, azimuth, normal vector and curvature. It has to be called manually since it can require some time to compute. Without this call, the above mentionned parameters are NOT up to date. More...
void updateAllMinMax ()
 Recomputes the min/max of altitude, slope and curvature It returns +/- std::numeric_limits<double> ::max() for a given parameter if its grid was empty/undefined. More...
void printFailures ()
 Prints the list of points that have an elevation different than nodata but no slope or curvature Such points can happen if they are surrounded by too many points whose elevation is nodata If no such points exist, it prints nothing. More...
void sanitize ()
 Clean up the DEM Object When computing the slope and curvature, it is possible to get points where the elevation is known but where no slope/azimuth/normals/curvature could be computed. This method sets the elevation to nodata for such points, so that latter use of the DEM would be simpler (simply test the elevation in order to know if the point can be used and it guarantees that all other information is available). More...
DEMObjectoperator= (const Grid2DObject &)
 Assignement operator. More...
DEMObjectoperator= (const double &value)
 Assignement operator. More...
DEMObjectoperator+= (const double &rhs)
const DEMObject operator+ (const double &rhs) const
DEMObjectoperator+= (const Grid2DObject &rhs)
const DEMObject operator+ (const Grid2DObject &rhs) const
DEMObjectoperator-= (const double &rhs)
const DEMObject operator- (const double &rhs) const
DEMObjectoperator-= (const Grid2DObject &rhs)
const DEMObject operator- (const Grid2DObject &rhs) const
DEMObjectoperator*= (const double &rhs)
const DEMObject operator* (const double &rhs) const
DEMObjectoperator*= (const Grid2DObject &rhs)
const DEMObject operator* (const Grid2DObject &rhs) const
DEMObjectoperator/= (const double &rhs)
const DEMObject operator/ (const double &rhs) const
DEMObjectoperator/= (const Grid2DObject &rhs)
const DEMObject operator/ (const Grid2DObject &rhs) const
bool operator== (const DEMObject &in) const
 Operator that tests for equality. More...
bool operator!= (const DEMObject &in) const
 Operator that tests for inequality. More...
const std::string toString (const FORMATS &type=FULL) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from mio::Grid2DObject
double & operator() (const size_t &ix, const size_t &iy)
double operator() (const size_t &ix, const size_t &iy) const
double & operator() (const size_t &i)
double operator() (const size_t &i) const
const std::string toString () const
 Grid2DObject ()
 Default constructor. Initializes all variables to 0, except lat/long which are initialized to IOUtils::nodata. More...
 Grid2DObject (const size_t &ncols, const size_t &nrows, const double &cellsize, const Coords &i_llcorner)
 Grid2DObject (const size_t &ncols, const size_t &nrows, const double &cellsize, const Coords &i_llcorner, const double &init)
 Grid2DObject (const Grid2DObject &i_grid, const double &init)
 Grid2DObject (const double &cellsize, const Coords &i_llcorner, const Array2D< double > &grid2D_in)
 Grid2DObject (const Grid2DObject &i_grid2Dobj, const size_t &i_nx, const size_t &i_ny, const size_t &i_ncols, const size_t &i_nrows)
 constructs an object as a subset of another grid object More...
bool gridify (Coords &point) const
 Compute the positional parameters that are not already known This means that the Coords::point object that is given either contains geographic coordinates or grid indices. This method will calculate the missing ones (so that (i,j) match with (lat,lon) and (east,north)). If the given point had a "NULL" projection, it will be set to the grid's. More...
bool gridify (std::vector< Coords > &vec_points, const bool &keep_invalid=false) const
 Compute the positional parameters that are not already known This means that the Coords::point object that is given either contains geographic coordinates or grid indices. This method will calculate the missing ones (so that (i,j) match with (lat,lon) and (east,north)). Any point that is either invalid or outside the grid is removed from the vector. If the given point had a "NULL" projection, it will be set to the grid's. More...
bool gridify (std::vector< StationData > &vec_points, const bool &keep_invalid=false) const
void set (const size_t &ncols, const size_t &nrows, const double &cellsize, const Coords &i_llcorner)
 Set all variables in one go. More...
void set (const double &cellsize, const Coords &i_llcorner, const Array2D< double > &grid2D_in)
 Set all variables in one go. Notably the member grid2D of type Array2D<double> will be destroyed and recreated to size ncols x nrows. More...
void set (const size_t &ncols, const size_t &nrows, const double &cellsize, const Coords &i_llcorner, const double &init)
void set (const Grid2DObject &i_grid, const double &init)
void rescale (const double &i_cellsize)
 Rescale (bilinear resampling) the grid to match the given cell size. More...
void compute_spatial_mean (const double &radius)
 Spatially average the grid over a given radius. More...
void size (size_t &o_ncols, size_t &o_nrows) const
size_t size () const
size_t getNx () const
size_t getNy () const
double getMin () const
double getMax () const
double getMean () const
void clear ()
 deletes the data, but keeps geolocalization More...
bool empty () const
 Check if a grid does not contain any data (but it can contain geolocalization) More...
bool allNodata () const
bool isSameGeolocalization (const Grid2DObject &target) const
 check if the current Grid2DObject has the same geolocalization attributes as another Grid2DObject (as well as same cells). The grid coordinates (xllcorner & yllcorner) are NOT checked as these might be tweaked for convenience (like between input grid and local grid) More...
void binning (const std::vector< double > &thresholds, const std::vector< double > &ids)
 Partitional algorithm to classify each point of the grid into a 'bin'. The classification is given by a list of growing thresholds, the 'bins' are then a simple range of values. Threshold values will be put into the next higher bin. Each bin comes with an 'id' that replaces the values of the points. More...
std::vector< double > extractPoints (const std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > &Pts) const
 extract point values from grid More...
Grid2DObjectoperator= (const double &value)
 Assignement operator. More...
Grid2DObjectoperator+= (const double &rhs)
const Grid2DObject operator+ (const double &rhs) const
Grid2DObjectoperator+= (const Grid2DObject &rhs)
const Grid2DObject operator+ (const Grid2DObject &rhs) const
Grid2DObjectoperator-= (const double &rhs)
const Grid2DObject operator- (const double &rhs) const
Grid2DObjectoperator-= (const Grid2DObject &rhs)
const Grid2DObject operator- (const Grid2DObject &rhs) const
Grid2DObjectoperator*= (const double &rhs)
const Grid2DObject operator* (const double &rhs) const
Grid2DObjectoperator*= (const Grid2DObject &rhs)
const Grid2DObject operator* (const Grid2DObject &rhs) const
Grid2DObjectoperator/= (const double &rhs)
const Grid2DObject operator/ (const double &rhs) const
Grid2DObjectoperator/= (const Grid2DObject &rhs)
const Grid2DObject operator/ (const Grid2DObject &rhs) const
bool operator== (const Grid2DObject &in) const
 Operator that tests for equality. More...
bool operator!= (const Grid2DObject &in) const
 Operator that tests for inequality. More...

Public Attributes

Array2D< double > slope
Array2D< double > azi
Array2D< double > curvature
Array2D< double > Nx
Array2D< double > Ny
Array2D< double > Nz
double min_altitude
double min_slope
double min_curvature
double max_altitude
double max_slope
double max_curvature
- Public Attributes inherited from mio::Grid2DObject
Array2D< double > grid2D
 the grid itself (simple 2D table containing the values for each point) More...
Coords llcorner
 lower left corner of the grid More...
double cellsize
 dimension in meters of a cell (considered to be square) More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DEMObject &dem)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, DEMObject &dem)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from mio::Grid2DObject
void setValues (const double &cellsize, const Coords &i_llcorner)
bool WGS84_to_grid (Coords &point) const
 Converts WGS84 coordinates into grid coordinates (i,j) More...
bool grid_to_WGS84 (Coords &point) const
 Converts grid coordinates (i,j) into WGS84 coordinates. More...
bool isLatlon () const
void reproject ()
double calculate_cellsize (const double &i_ur_lat, const double &i_ur_lon) const
void setLatLon (const double &i_ur_lat, const double &i_ur_lon)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from mio::Grid2DObject
static double calculate_XYcellsize (const std::vector< double > &vecX, const std::vector< double > &vecY)
- Protected Attributes inherited from mio::Grid2DObject
double ur_lat
double ur_lon
bool isLatLon

Member Enumeration Documentation


Keywords for selecting the toString formats.


Provide all the usually necessary information.


Simplified, lat/lon only.

◆ slope_type

Keywords for slope computation algorithm.


whatever algorithm that has been defined as default


four nearest neighbors (Fleming and Hoffer, 1979). It seems to be the same as (Zevenbergen and Thorne, 1987)


maximum downhill slope method (Dunn and Hickey, 1998)


eight neighbor algorithm (Horn, 1981) as used by ArcGIS. It seems to be the same as (Corripio, 2002) but for border cells.


surface normal vector using the two triangle method (Corripio, 2003) and eight-neighbor algorithm (Horn, 1981) for border cells


discretized azimuth directions (angles for N, NE, etc) and slope rounded to nearest integer

◆ update_type

Keywords for automatic update of parameters. They can be combined with "|".


no updates at all


update the slopes


update the normals


update the curvatures


property not set

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DEMObject() [1/6]

mio::DEMObject::DEMObject ( const slope_type i_algorithm = DFLT)

Default constructor. Initializes all variables to 0, except lat/long which are initialized to IOUtils::nodata.

i_algorithmspecify the default algorithm to use for slope computation (default=DFLT)

◆ DEMObject() [2/6]

mio::DEMObject::DEMObject ( const size_t &  ncols_in,
const size_t &  nrows_in,
const Coords llcorner_in,
const double &  init 

Constructor that sets a constant DEM.

The resulting DEM will have the same elevation everywhere, constant slope (flat) and curvature (flat).

ncols_innumber of colums in the grid2D
nrows_innumber of rows in the grid2D
llcorner_inlower lower corner point
initinitial value to fill the DEM with

◆ DEMObject() [3/6]

mio::DEMObject::DEMObject ( const size_t &  i_ncols,
const size_t &  i_nrows,
const double &  i_cellsize,
const Coords i_llcorner,
const slope_type i_algorithm = DFLT 

Constructor that sets variables.

i_ncolsnumber of colums in the grid2D
i_nrowsnumber of rows in the grid2D
i_cellsizevalue for cellsize in grid2D
i_llcornerlower lower corner point
i_algorithmspecify the default algorithm to use for slope computation (default=DFLT)

◆ DEMObject() [4/6]

mio::DEMObject::DEMObject ( const double &  i_cellsize,
const Coords i_llcorner,
const Array2D< double > &  i_altitude,
const bool &  i_update = true,
const slope_type i_algorithm = DFLT 

Constructor that sets variables.

i_cellsizevalue for cellsize in grid2D
i_llcornerlower lower corner point
i_altitudegrid2D of elevations
i_updatealso update slope/normals/curvatures and their min/max? (default=true)
i_algorithmspecify the default algorithm to use for slope computation (default=DFLT)

◆ DEMObject() [5/6]

mio::DEMObject::DEMObject ( const Grid2DObject i_dem,
const bool &  i_update = true,
const slope_type i_algorithm = DFLT 

Constructor that sets variables from a Grid2DObject.

i_demgrid contained in a Grid2DObject
i_updatealso update slope/normals/curvatures and their min/max? (default=true)
i_algorithmspecify the default algorithm to use for slope computation (default=DFLT)

◆ DEMObject() [6/6]

mio::DEMObject::DEMObject ( const DEMObject i_dem,
const size_t &  i_nx,
const size_t &  i_ny,
const size_t &  i_ncols,
const size_t &  i_nrows,
const bool &  i_update = true,
const slope_type i_algorithm = DFLT 

Constructor that sets variables from a subset of another DEMObject, given an origin (X,Y) (first index being 0) and a number of columns and rows.

i_demdem contained in a DEMDObject
i_nxX coordinate of the new origin
i_nyY coordinate of the new origin
i_ncolsnumber of columns for the subset dem
i_nrowsnumber of rows for the subset dem
i_updatealso update slope/normals/curvatures and their min/max? (default=true)
i_algorithmspecify the default algorithm to use for slope computation (default=DFLT)

Member Function Documentation

◆ getDefaultAlgorithm()

int mio::DEMObject::getDefaultAlgorithm ( ) const

Get the default slope calculation algorithm.

default algorithm to use for slope computation

◆ getUpdatePpt()

int mio::DEMObject::getUpdatePpt ( ) const

Get the properties that will be calculated by the object when updating.

combination of flags set with the binary "|" operator

◆ operator!=()

bool mio::DEMObject::operator!= ( const DEMObject in) const

Operator that tests for inequality.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

const DEMObject mio::DEMObject::operator* ( const double &  rhs) const

◆ operator*() [2/2]

const DEMObject mio::DEMObject::operator* ( const Grid2DObject rhs) const

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator*= ( const double &  rhs)

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator*= ( const Grid2DObject rhs)

◆ operator+() [1/2]

const DEMObject mio::DEMObject::operator+ ( const double &  rhs) const

◆ operator+() [2/2]

const DEMObject mio::DEMObject::operator+ ( const Grid2DObject rhs) const

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator+= ( const double &  rhs)

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator+= ( const Grid2DObject rhs)

◆ operator-() [1/2]

const DEMObject mio::DEMObject::operator- ( const double &  rhs) const

◆ operator-() [2/2]

const DEMObject mio::DEMObject::operator- ( const Grid2DObject rhs) const

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator-= ( const double &  rhs)

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator-= ( const Grid2DObject rhs)

◆ operator/() [1/2]

const DEMObject mio::DEMObject::operator/ ( const double &  rhs) const

◆ operator/() [2/2]

const DEMObject mio::DEMObject::operator/ ( const Grid2DObject rhs) const

◆ operator/=() [1/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator/= ( const double &  rhs)

◆ operator/=() [2/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator/= ( const Grid2DObject rhs)

◆ operator=() [1/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator= ( const double &  value)

Assignement operator.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

DEMObject & mio::DEMObject::operator= ( const Grid2DObject )

Assignement operator.

◆ operator==()

bool mio::DEMObject::operator== ( const DEMObject in) const

Operator that tests for equality.

◆ printFailures()

void mio::DEMObject::printFailures ( )

Prints the list of points that have an elevation different than nodata but no slope or curvature Such points can happen if they are surrounded by too many points whose elevation is nodata If no such points exist, it prints nothing.

◆ sanitize()

void mio::DEMObject::sanitize ( )

Clean up the DEM Object When computing the slope and curvature, it is possible to get points where the elevation is known but where no slope/azimuth/normals/curvature could be computed. This method sets the elevation to nodata for such points, so that latter use of the DEM would be simpler (simply test the elevation in order to know if the point can be used and it guarantees that all other information is available).

The update flags are used in order to know which properties should be checked. So if update_flag==SLOPE but there are curvatures and they are later used, they won't have been cleaned!
IMPORTANT: calling this method DOES change the table of elevations!

◆ setCurvatureScale()

void mio::DEMObject::setCurvatureScale ( const double &  in_curvature_scale)

Set the curvature length scale for calculating curvature.

◆ setDefaultAlgorithm() [1/2]

void mio::DEMObject::setDefaultAlgorithm ( const slope_type i_algorithm)

Sets the default slope calculation algorithm.

i_algorithmspecify the default algorithm to use for slope computation

◆ setDefaultAlgorithm() [2/2]

void mio::DEMObject::setDefaultAlgorithm ( const std::string &  algorithm)

Sets the default slope calculation algorithm.

algorithmspecify the default algorithm to use for slope computation

◆ setUpdatePpt()

void mio::DEMObject::setUpdatePpt ( const update_type in_update_flag)

Set the properties that will be calculated by the object when updating The following properties can be turned on/off: slope/azimuth and/or normals, and/or curvatures. Flags are combined using the binary "|" operator.

in_update_flagparameters to update

◆ toString()

const std::string mio::DEMObject::toString ( const FORMATS type = FULL) const

◆ update() [1/2]

void mio::DEMObject::update ( const slope_type algorithm = DFLT)

Force the computation of the local slope, azimuth, normal vector and curvature. It has to be called manually since it can require some time to compute. Without this call, the above mentionned parameters are NOT up to date.

algorithmalgorithm to use for computing slope, azimuth and normals

◆ update() [2/2]

void mio::DEMObject::update ( const std::string &  algorithm)

Force the computation of the local slope, azimuth, normal vector and curvature. It has to be called manually since it can require some time to compute. Without this call, the above mentionned parameters are NOT up to date.

algorithmalgorithm to use for computing slope, azimuth and normals it is either:
  • HICK that uses the maximum downhill slope method (Dunn and Hickey, 1998)
  • FLEMING uses a 4 neighbors algorithm (Fleming and Hoffer, 1979)
  • CORRIPIO that uses the surface normal vector using the two triangle method given in Corripio (2002) and the eight-neighbor algorithm of Horn (1981) for border cells.
  • D8 uses CORRIPIO but discretizes the resulting azimuth to 8 cardinal directions and the slope is rounded to the nearest degree. Curvature and normals are left untouched.

The azimuth is always computed using the Hodgson (1998) algorithm.

◆ updateAllMinMax()

void mio::DEMObject::updateAllMinMax ( )

Recomputes the min/max of altitude, slope and curvature It returns +/- std::numeric_limits<double> ::max() for a given parameter if its grid was empty/undefined.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DEMObject dem 

◆ operator>>

std::istream & operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
DEMObject dem 

Member Data Documentation

◆ azi

Array2D<double> mio::DEMObject::azi

◆ curvature

Array2D<double> mio::DEMObject::curvature

◆ max_altitude

double mio::DEMObject::max_altitude

◆ max_curvature

double mio::DEMObject::max_curvature

◆ max_slope

double mio::DEMObject::max_slope

◆ min_altitude

double mio::DEMObject::min_altitude

◆ min_curvature

double mio::DEMObject::min_curvature

◆ min_slope

double mio::DEMObject::min_slope

◆ Nx

Array2D<double> mio::DEMObject::Nx

◆ Ny

Array2D<double> mio::DEMObject::Ny

◆ Nz

Array2D<double> mio::DEMObject::Nz

◆ slope

Array2D<double> mio::DEMObject::slope

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