MeteoIODoc 20241230.207bde49


This is for reading grid data in the JGRASS GIS format(see


The distances are assumed to be in meters.


This plugin uses the following keywords:

  • COORDSYS: input coordinate system (see Coords) specified in the [Input] section
  • COORDPARAM: extra input coordinates parameters (see Coords) specified in the [Input] section
  • COORDSYS: output coordinate system (see Coords) specified in the [Output] section
  • COORDPARAM: extra output coordinates parameters (see Coords) specified in the [Output] section
  • GRID2DPATH: meteo grids directory where to read/write the grids; [Input] and [Output] sections
  • DEMFILE: for reading the data as a DEMObject
  • LANDUSE: for interpreting the data as landuse codes
  • GLACIER: for interpreting the data as glacier height map
  • DAPATH: path+prefix of file containing data assimilation grids (named with ISO 8601 basic date and .sca extension, example ./input/dagrids/