MeteoIODoc 20250312.660e6d76


class  mio::AllSkyLWGenerator
 ILWR all sky parametrization. More...
class  mio::AllSkySWGenerator
 ISWR all sky parametrization. More...
class  mio::ClearSkyLWGenerator
 ILWR clear sky parametrization. More...
class  mio::ClearSkySWGenerator
 ISWR clear sky parametrization. More...
class  mio::ConstGenerator
 Constant value generator. More...
class  mio::ESOLIPGenerator
 Generate precipitation from changes in snow height. More...
class  mio::HumidityGenerator
 (Relative/Specifc) Humidity or Dew Point temperature generator. More...
class  mio::IswrAlbedoGenerator
 Incoming or reflected short wave generator. More...
class  mio::MeteoIndex
 Mteorological indices data generator. More...
class  mio::PrecSplitting
 Generate precipitation phase or splitting according to the selected method. More...
class  mio::SinGenerator
 Sinusoid generator. More...
class  mio::StandardPressureGenerator
 Standard atmospheric pressure generator. More...
class  mio::TauCLDGenerator
 Atmospheric transmissivity generator. More...
class  mio::TsGenerator
 Surface temperature generator. More...

Detailed Description

Documentation for available parametrizations components that compute given parameters from other parameters. These are used for DataCreator and DataGenerator.