(Relative/Specifc) Humidity or Dew Point temperature generator.
Since Absolute Humidity (AH), Relative Humidity (RH), Specific Humidity (QI) or Dew Point Temperature (TD) are all measures of the atmospheric humidity, this generates any one of these from any other one (depending on what is available).The parameter that should be generated is provided as argument (default: RH).
RH::generator1 = HUMIDITY
RH::arg1::type = RH
| HumidityGenerator (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &vecArgs, const std::string &i_algo, const std::string &i_section, const double &TZ) |
bool | generate (const size_t ¶m, MeteoData &md, const std::vector< MeteoData > &vecMeteo) override |
bool | create (const size_t ¶m, const size_t &ii_min, const size_t &ii_max, std::vector< MeteoData > &vecMeteo) override |
| Fill one time series of MeteoData for one station. More...
virtual | ~GeneratorAlgorithm () |
virtual bool | generate (const size_t ¶m, MeteoData &md, const std::vector< MeteoData > &vecMeteo)=0 |
virtual bool | create (const size_t ¶m, const size_t &ii_min, const size_t &ii_max, std::vector< MeteoData > &vecMeteo)=0 |
| Fill one time series of MeteoData for one station. More...
bool | skipStation (const std::string &station_id) const |
| Should this station be skipped, based on user-provided station ID restrictions? More...
bool | skipTimeStep (const Date &dt) const |
| Should this timestep be skipped, based on user-provided time restrictions? More...
bool | skipHeight (const double &height) const |
std::vector< DateRange > | getTimeRestrictions () const |
std::string | getAlgo () const |