MeteoIODoc 20241110.c10ed43a

This plugin is quite special since it does not read any data but generates synthetic data. It is designed for numerical experiments where controlled conditions are applied to the numerical setup. It can either generate timestamps with no associated meteorological parameters or also generate values for any number of meteorological parameters (per station) with some basic functions. Finer control can be achieved by combining this plugin with input data editing (specially with the data creators restricted to date intervals).


This plugin uses the following keywords, all in the [Input] section:

  • providing the stations' metadata:
    • COORDSYS: coordinate system (see Coords);
    • COORDPARAM: extra coordinates parameters (see Coords);
    • STATION#: coordinates of the station (mandatory, see Coords() for the syntax);
    • ID#: the (short) station id to use (optional but recommended, default is "ID_#")
    • NAME#: a descriptive station name to use (optional, default is "STATION_#");
  • controlling the timestamps generation:
    • TIME_ZONE: the time zone of any dates that are provided;
    • SYNTH_START: when to start generating timestamps (optional, by default it generates timestamps for any requested date);
    • SYNTH_END: when to stop generating timestamps (optional, by default it generates timestamps for any requested date);
    • SYNTH_SAMPLING: sampling rate in seconds, starting with SYNTH_START or the requested date if no SYNTH_START is provided (mandatory);
  • controlling the meteorological parameters generation (optional. If not set up, then only the timestamps will be generated with no meteorological parameters associated, thus relying on a data creator or data generator to define some values):
    • STATION#::{parameter}::TYPE where {parameter} is either coming from MeteoData::meteoparam or some free text. The TYPE arguments gives the synthesizing function to use:
      • CST: constant function with the additional key: VALUE;
      • STEP: step function with the additional keys: STEP_DATE (as ISO formatted date), VALUE_BEFORE, VALUE_AFTER;
      • RECTANGLE: rectangle function with the additional keys: VALUE, STEP_START (as ISO formatted date), STEP_STOP (as ISO formatted date), VALUE_STEP;
      • STDPRESS: constant, standard atmospheric pressure as a function of the station's altitude (no arguments).


Example of use: create a station TST1 with half hourly sampling rate and a parameter TA that is constant at 270 K until 2022-09-26T12:00:00 when it gets constant at 300 K.

TIME_ZONE = 1.00
STATION1 = latlon (46.75, 9.80, 2200)
NAME1 = Davos::test
ID1 = TST1
STATION1::TA::STEP_DATE = 2022-09-26T12:00:00
STATION1::TA::VALUE_AFTER = 300.000000