Calculate the Sun's position based on the Meeus algorithm. See J. Meeus, "Astronomical Algorithms", 1998, 2nd ed, Willmann-Bell, Inc., Richmond, VA, USA, ISBN 0-943396-61-1. A useful reference is also NOAA's spreadsheet at for comparing positional data. The technical report I. Reda, A. Andreas, "Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications", 2008, NREL/TP-560-34302 also contains an alternative algorithm and very detailed validation data sets.
- Author
- Mathias Bavay
- Date
- 2010-06-10
| SunMeeus () |
| ~SunMeeus () override |
| SunMeeus (const double &i_latitude, const double &i_longitude) |
| SunMeeus (const double &i_latitude, const double &i_longitude, const double &i_julian, const double &i_TZ=0.) |
void | setDate (const double &i_julian, const double &i_TZ=0.) override |
| Set the date and time if no timezone is specified, GMT is assumed. More...
void | setLatLon (const double &i_latitude, const double &i_longitude) override |
void | setAll (const double &i_latitude, const double &i_longitude, const double &i_julian, const double &i_TZ=0.) override |
void | reset () override |
double | getSolarElevation () const override |
double | getSolarAzimuth () const override |
void | getHorizontalCoordinates (double &azimuth, double &elevation) const override |
void | getHorizontalCoordinates (double &azimuth, double &elevation, double &eccentricity) const override |
void | getDaylight (double &sunrise, double &sunset, double &MeeusDaylight) override |
void | getEquatorialSunVector (double &sunx, double &suny, double &sunz) |
void | getEquatorialCoordinates (double &right_ascension, double &declination) override |
| ( More...
| SunTrajectory () |
| SunTrajectory (const double &i_latitude, const double &i_longitude) |
virtual | ~SunTrajectory () |
virtual void | setDate (const double &i_julian, const double &i_TZ=0.)=0 |
| Set the date and time if no timezone is specified, GMT is assumed. More...
virtual void | setLatLon (const double &i_latitude, const double &i_longitude)=0 |
virtual void | setAll (const double &i_latitude, const double &i_longitude, const double &i_julian, const double &i_TZ=0.)=0 |
virtual void | reset ()=0 |
virtual double | getSolarElevation () const =0 |
virtual double | getSolarAzimuth () const =0 |
virtual void | getHorizontalCoordinates (double &azimuth, double &elevation) const =0 |
virtual void | getHorizontalCoordinates (double &azimuth, double &elevation, double &eccentricity) const =0 |
virtual void | getDaylight (double &sunrise, double &sunset, double &daylight)=0 |
virtual double | getSolarTime () const |
| Return the current solar time. Since the Sun reaches its zenith at a time different than the local noon, the solar noon does not happen at 12:00 local time. This defines a solar time that has a negative or positive offset with the local time, depending on the seasons (see More...
virtual double | getSolarTimeOfDay () const |
| Return the current solar time of day. Since the Sun reaches its zenith at a time different than the local noon, the solar noon does not happen at 12:00 local time. This defines a solar time that has a negative or positive offset with the local time, depending on the seasons (see More...
virtual void | getEquatorialCoordinates (double &right_ascension, double &declination)=0 |
| ( More...
double | getAngleOfIncidence (const double &slope_azi, const double &slope_elev) const |
| radiation projection methods More...
double | getRadiationOnHorizontal (const double &radiation) const |
double | getRadiationOnSlope (const double &slope_azi, const double &slope_elev, const double &radiation) const |
double | getHorizontalOnSlope (const double &slope_azi, const double &slope_elev, const double &H_radiation, const double &elev_threshold=5.) const |
| Project a given horizontal radiation to a given slope. The sun position is the current one, the radiation intensity is given as well as the slope parameters. This should be used after correcting the radiation on the horizontal (by applying atmospheric effects or special handling for dawn/dusk) in order to compute consistent radiation on slopes. More...
const std::string | toString () const |
static double | SideralToLocal (const double &JD) |
static void | getEaster (const int &year, int &month, int &day) |
| Return the date of easter for the given year. More...
static double | getAngleOfIncidence (const double &sun_azi, const double &sun_elev, const double &slope_azi, const double &slope_elev) |
| static helper for radiation projection More...
static double | projectHorizontalToSlope (const double &sun_azi, const double &sun_elev, const double &slope_azi, const double &slope_elev, const double &H_radiation, const double &elev_threshold=5.) |
static double | projectSlopeToHorizontal (const double &sun_azi, const double &sun_elev, const double &slope_azi, const double &slope_elev, const double &S_radiation) |
static double | projectHorizontalToBeam (const double &sun_elev, const double &H_radiation) |