MeteoIODoc  2.10.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
2 /***********************************************************************************/
3 /* Copyright 2009 WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF-DAVOS */
4 /***********************************************************************************/
5 /* This file is part of MeteoIO.
6  MeteoIO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  MeteoIO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  along with MeteoIO. If not, see <>.
18 */
19 #ifndef ARRAY3D_H
20 #define ARRAY3D_H
22 #include <meteoio/IOUtils.h>
23 #include <meteoio/IOExceptions.h>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <limits>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <numeric>
29 #include <algorithm>
31 //forward declaration
32 namespace mio { template <class T> class Array3D; template <class T> class Array3DProxy2; }
35 namespace mio {
43 template <class T> class Array3DProxy {
44  public:
45  friend class Array3D<T>;
46  Array3DProxy2<T> operator[](const size_t& i_any) {
47  return Array3DProxy2<T>(array3D, anx, i_any);
48  }
50  private:
51  Array3DProxy(Array3D<T>& i_array3D, const size_t& i_anx) : array3D(i_array3D), anx(i_anx){}
52  Array3D<T>& array3D;
53  const size_t anx;
54 };
63 template <class T> class Array3DProxy2 {
64  public:
65  friend class Array3DProxy<T>;
66  T& operator[](const size_t& i_anz) {
67  return array3D(anx, any, i_anz);
68  }
70  private:
71  Array3DProxy2(Array3D<T>& i_array3D, const size_t& i_anx,
72  const size_t& i_any) : array3D(i_array3D), anx(i_anx), any(i_any){}
73  Array3D<T>& array3D;
74  const size_t anx;
75  const size_t any;
76 };
87 template<class T> class Array3D {
88  public:
103  Array3D(const Array3D<T>& i_array3D,
104  const size_t& i_nx, const size_t& i_ny, const size_t& i_nz,
105  const size_t& i_ncols, const size_t& i_nrows, const size_t& i_ndepth);
113  Array3D(const size_t& anx, const size_t& any, const size_t& anz);
122  Array3D(const size_t& anx, const size_t& any, const size_t& anz, const T& init);
136  void subset(const Array3D<T>& i_array3D,
137  const size_t& i_nx, const size_t& i_ny, const size_t& i_nz,
138  const size_t& i_ncols, const size_t& i_nrows, const size_t& i_ndepth);
152  void fill(const Array3D<T>& i_array3D,
153  const size_t& i_nx, const size_t& i_ny, const size_t& i_nz,
154  const size_t& i_ncols, const size_t& i_nrows, const size_t& i_ndepth);
156  void fill(const Array3D<T>& i_array3D, const size_t& i_nx, const size_t& i_ny, const size_t& i_nz);
165  void insert(const Array2D<T>& layer, const size_t& depth);
172  void setKeepNodata(const bool i_keep_nodata);
178  bool getKeepNodata() const;
180  void resize(const size_t& anx, const size_t& any, const size_t& anz);
181  void resize(const size_t& anx, const size_t& any, const size_t& anz, const T& init);
182  void size(size_t& anx, size_t& any, size_t& anz) const;
183  size_t size() const;
184  size_t getNx() const;
185  size_t getNy() const;
186  size_t getNz() const;
187  void clear();
188  bool empty() const;
194  T getMin() const;
199  T getMax() const;
204  T getMean() const;
211  size_t getCount() const;
216  const Array3D<T> getAbs() const;
217  void abs();
219  const std::string toString() const;
220  template<class P> friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Array3D<P>& array);
221  template<class P> friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Array3D<P>& array);
223  bool checkEpsilonEquality(const Array3D<double>& rhs, const double& epsilon) const;
224  static bool checkEpsilonEquality(const Array3D<double>& rhs1, const Array3D<double>& rhs2, const double& epsilon);
226  T& operator ()(const size_t& i);
227  const T operator ()(const size_t& i) const;
228  T& operator ()(const size_t& x, const size_t& y, const size_t& z);
229  const T operator ()(const size_t& x, const size_t& y, const size_t& z) const;
230  Array3DProxy<T> operator[](const size_t& i);
232  Array3D<T>& operator =(const T& value);
234  Array3D<T>& operator+=(const T& rhs);
235  const Array3D<T> operator+(const T& rhs) const;
237  const Array3D<T> operator+(const Array3D<T>& rhs) const;
239  Array3D<T>& operator-=(const T& rhs);
240  const Array3D<T> operator-(const T& rhs) const;
242  const Array3D<T> operator-(const Array3D<T>& rhs) const;
244  Array3D<T>& operator*=(const T& rhs);
245  const Array3D<T> operator*(const T& rhs) const;
247  const Array3D<T> operator*(const Array3D<T>& rhs) const;
249  Array3D<T>& operator/=(const T& rhs);
250  const Array3D<T> operator/(const T& rhs) const;
252  const Array3D<T> operator/(const Array3D<T>& rhs) const;
254  bool operator==(const Array3D<T>&) const;
255  bool operator!=(const Array3D<T>&) const;
257  protected:
258  std::vector<T> vecData;
259  size_t nx;
260  size_t ny;
261  size_t nz;
262  size_t nxny; //nx times ny
264 };
266 template<class T> inline T& Array3D<T>::operator()(const size_t& i) {
267 #ifndef NOSAFECHECKS
268  return;
269 #else
270  return vecData[i];
271 #endif
272 }
274 template<class T> inline const T Array3D<T>::operator()(const size_t& i) const {
275 #ifndef NOSAFECHECKS
276  return;
277 #else
278  return vecData[i];
279 #endif
280 }
282 template<class T> inline T& Array3D<T>::operator()(const size_t& x, const size_t& y, const size_t& z) {
283 #ifndef NOSAFECHECKS
284  if ((x >= nx) || (y >= ny) || (z >= nz)) {
285  std::ostringstream ss;
286  ss << "Trying to access array(" << x << "," << y << "," << z << ")";
287  ss << " while array is (" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ")";
288  throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(ss.str(), AT);
289  }
290 #endif
292  //ROW-MAJOR alignment of the vector: fully C-compatible memory layout
293  return vecData[x + y*nx + z*nxny];
294 }
296 template<class T> inline const T Array3D<T>::operator()(const size_t& x, const size_t& y, const size_t& z) const {
297 #ifndef NOSAFECHECKS
298  if ((x >= nx) || (y >= ny) || (z >= nz)) {
299  std::ostringstream ss;
300  ss << "Trying to access array(" << x << "," << y << "," << z << ")";
301  ss << " while array is (" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ")";
302  throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(ss.str(), AT);
303  }
304 #endif
305  return vecData[x + y*nx + z*nxny];
306 }
308 template<class T> Array3DProxy<T> Array3D<T>::operator[](const size_t& i) {
309  return Array3DProxy<T>(*this, i);
310 }
312 template<class T> Array3D<T>::Array3D() : vecData(), nx(0), ny(0), nz(0), nxny(0), keep_nodata(true)
313 {
314 }
316 template<class T> Array3D<T>::Array3D(const Array3D<T>& i_array3D,
317  const size_t& i_nx, const size_t& i_ny, const size_t& i_nz,
318  const size_t& i_ncols, const size_t& i_nrows, const size_t& i_ndepth)
319  : vecData(i_ncols*i_nrows*i_ndepth), nx(i_ncols), ny(i_nrows), nz(i_ndepth), nxny(i_ncols*i_nrows), keep_nodata(true)
320 {
321  subset(i_array3D, i_nx, i_ny, i_nz, i_ncols, i_nrows, i_ndepth);
322 }
324 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::subset(const Array3D<T>& i_array3D,
325  const size_t& i_nx, const size_t& i_ny, const size_t& i_nz,
326  const size_t& i_ncols, const size_t& i_nrows, const size_t& i_ndepth)
327 {
329  if (((i_nx+i_ncols) > i_array3D.nx) || ((i_ny+i_nrows) > i_array3D.ny) || ((i_nz+i_ndepth) > {
330  std::ostringstream ss;
331  ss << "Trying to cut an array of size (" << i_array3D.nx << "," << i_array3D.ny << "," << << ") ";
332  ss << "to size (" << i_ncols << "," << i_nrows << "," << i_ndepth << ") ";
333  ss << "starting at (" << i_nx << "," << i_ny << "," << i_nz << ")";
334  throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(ss.str(), AT);
335  }
337  if ((i_ncols == 0) || (i_nrows == 0) || (i_ndepth == 0)) //the space has to make sense
338  throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("Trying to cut an array into a null sized array!", AT);
340  resize(i_ncols, i_nrows, i_ndepth); //create new Array3D object
341  //Copy by value subspace
342  for (size_t ii=0; ii<nz; ii++) {
343  for (size_t jj=0; jj<ny; jj++) {
344  for (size_t kk=0; kk<nx; kk++) {
345  //Running through the vector in order of memory alignment
346  operator()(kk,jj,ii) = i_array3D(i_nx+kk, i_ny+jj, i_nz+ii);
347  }
348  }
349  }
350 }
352 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::fill(const Array3D<T>& i_array3D, const size_t& i_nx, const size_t& i_ny, const size_t& i_nz)
353 {
354  size_t i_ncols, i_nrows, i_ndepth;
355  i_array3D.size(i_ncols, i_nrows, i_ndepth);
356  fill(i_array3D, i_nx, i_ny, i_nz, i_ncols, i_nrows, i_ndepth);
357 }
359 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::fill(const Array3D<T>& i_array3D,
360  const size_t& i_nx, const size_t& i_ny, const size_t& i_nz,
361  const size_t& i_ncols, const size_t& i_nrows, const size_t& i_ndepth)
362 {
364  if (((i_nx+i_ncols) > i_array3D.nx) || ((i_ny+i_nrows) > i_array3D.ny) || ((i_nz+i_ndepth) > {
365  std::ostringstream ss;
366  ss << "Filling an array of size (" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ") ";
367  ss << "with an array of size (" << i_ncols << "," << i_nrows << "," << i_ndepth << ") ";
368  ss << "starting at (" << i_nx << "," << i_ny << "," << i_nz << ")";
369  throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(ss.str(), AT);
370  }
372  if ((i_ncols == 0) || (i_nrows == 0) || (i_ndepth == 0)) //the space has to make sense
373  throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("Filling an array with a null sized array!", AT);
375  //Copy by value subspace
376  for (size_t ii=i_nz; ii<(i_nz+i_ndepth); ii++) {
377  const size_t iz = ii-i_nz;
378  for (size_t jj=i_ny; jj<(i_ny+i_nrows); jj++) {
379  const size_t iy = jj-i_ny;
380  for (size_t kk=i_nx; kk<(i_nx+i_ncols); kk++) {
381  const size_t ix = kk-i_nx;
382  operator()(kk,jj,ii) = i_array3D(ix, iy, iz);
383  }
384  }
385  }
386 }
388 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::insert(const Array2D<T>& layer, const size_t& depth)
389 {
390  if (depth>nz) {
391  std::ostringstream ss;
392  ss << "Trying to insert layer at depth " << depth << " ";
393  ss << "in an array of size (" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ") ";
394  throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(ss.str(), AT);
395  }
396  if (layer.getNx()!=nx || layer.getNy()!=ny) {
397  std::ostringstream ss;
398  ss << "Trying to insert layer of size (" << layer.getNx() << "," << layer.getNy() << ") ";
399  ss << "in an array of size (" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ") ";
400  throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(ss.str(), AT);
401  }
402  //copy plane in the correct position
403  for (size_t jj=0; jj<ny; jj++) {
404  for (size_t ii=0; ii<nx; ii++) {
405  operator()(ii,jj,depth) = layer(ii, jj);
406  }
407  }
408 }
410 template<class T> Array3D<T>::Array3D(const size_t& anx, const size_t& any, const size_t& anz)
411  : vecData(anx*any*anz), nx(anx), ny(any), nz(anz), nxny(anx*any), keep_nodata(true)
412 {
413  //resize(anx, any, anz);
414 }
416 template<class T> Array3D<T>::Array3D(const size_t& anx, const size_t& any, const size_t& anz, const T& init)
417  : vecData(anx*any*anz, init), nx(anx), ny(any), nz(anz), nxny(anx*any), keep_nodata(true)
418 {
419  //resize(anx, any, anz, init);
420 }
422 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::setKeepNodata(const bool i_keep_nodata) {
423  keep_nodata = i_keep_nodata;
424 }
426 template<class T> bool Array3D<T>::getKeepNodata() const {
427  return keep_nodata;
428 }
430 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::resize(const size_t& anx, const size_t& any, const size_t& anz) {
431  clear(); //we won't be able to "rescue" old values, so we reset the whole vector
432  vecData.resize(anx*any*anz);
433  nx = anx;
434  ny = any;
435  nz = anz;
436  nxny = nx*ny;
437 }
439 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::resize(const size_t& anx, const size_t& any, const size_t& anz, const T& init) {
440  clear(); //we won't be able to "rescue" old values, so we reset the whole vector
441  vecData.resize(anx*any*anz, init);
442  nx = anx;
443  ny = any;
444  nz = anz;
445  nxny = nx*ny;
446 }
448 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::size(size_t& anx, size_t& any, size_t& anz) const {
449  anx=nx;
450  any=ny;
451  anz=nz;
452 }
454 template<class T> size_t Array3D<T>::size() const {
455  return nx*ny*nz;
456 }
458 template<class T> size_t Array3D<T>::getNx() const {
459  return nx;
460 }
462 template<class T> size_t Array3D<T>::getNy() const {
463  return ny;
464 }
466 template<class T> size_t Array3D<T>::getNz() const {
467  return nz;
468 }
470 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::clear() {
471  vecData.clear();
472  nx = ny = nz = nxny = 0;
473 }
475 template<class T> bool Array3D<T>::empty() const {
476  return (nx==0 && ny==0 && nz==0);
477 }
479 template<class T> const std::string Array3D<T>::toString() const {
480  std::ostringstream os;
481  os << "<array3d>\n";
482  for (size_t kk=0; kk<nz; kk++) {
483  os << "depth[" << kk << "]\n";
484  for (size_t jj=0; jj<ny; jj++) {
485  for (size_t ii=0; ii<nx; ii++) {
486  os << operator()(ii,jj,kk) << " ";
487  }
488  os << "\n";
489  }
490  }
491  os << "</array3d>\n";
492  return os.str();
493 }
495 template<class P> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Array3D<P>& array) {
496  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&array.keep_nodata), sizeof(array.keep_nodata));
497  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&array.nx), sizeof(array.nx));
498  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&array.ny), sizeof(array.ny));
499  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&, sizeof(;
500  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&array.vecData[0]), static_cast<std::streamsize>(array.nx*array.ny**sizeof(P)));
501  return os;
502 }
504 template<class P> std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Array3D<P>& array) {
505<char*>(&array.keep_nodata), sizeof(array.keep_nodata));
506<char*>(&array.nx), sizeof(array.nx));
507<char*>(&array.ny), sizeof(array.ny));
508<char*>(&, sizeof(;
509  array.nxny = array.nx * array.ny;
510  array.vecData.resize(array.nx*array.ny*;
511<char*>(&array.vecData[0]), static_cast<std::streamsize>(array.nx*array.ny**sizeof(P))); //30 times faster than assign() or copy()
512  return is;
513 }
515 template<class T> T Array3D<T>::getMin() const {
517  T min = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
518  const size_t nxyz = ny*nx*nz;
520  if (keep_nodata==false) {
521  min = *min_element(vecData.begin(), vecData.end());
522  if (min!=std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) return min;
523  else return (T)IOUtils::nodata;
524  } else {
525  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
526  const T val = vecData[jj];
527  if (val!=IOUtils::nodata && val<min) min=val;
528  }
529  if (min!=std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) return min;
530  else return (T)IOUtils::nodata;
531  }
532 }
534 template<class T> T Array3D<T>::getMax() const {
536  T max = -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
537  const size_t nxyz = ny*nx*nz;
539  if (keep_nodata==false) {
540  max = *max_element(vecData.begin(), vecData.end());
541  if (max!=-std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) return max;
542  else return (T)IOUtils::nodata;
543  } else {
544  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
545  const T val = vecData[jj];
546  if (val!=IOUtils::nodata && val>max) max=val;
547  }
548  if (max!=-std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) return max;
549  else return (T)IOUtils::nodata;
550  }
551 }
553 template<class T> T Array3D<T>::getMean() const {
555  T mean = 0;
556  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
558  if (keep_nodata==false) {
559  if (nxyz>0) return std::accumulate(vecData.begin(), vecData.end(), 0.) / (T)(nxyz);
560  else return (T)IOUtils::nodata;
561  } else {
562  size_t count = 0;
563  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
564  const T val = vecData[jj];
565  if (val!=IOUtils::nodata) {
566  mean += val;
567  count++;
568  }
569  }
570  if (count>0) return mean/(T)(count);
571  else return (T)IOUtils::nodata;
572  }
573 }
575 template<class T> size_t Array3D<T>::getCount() const
576 {
577  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
579  if (keep_nodata==false) {
580  return (size_t)nxyz;
581  } else {
582  size_t count = 0;
583  for (size_t ii=0; ii<nxyz; ii++) {
584  if (vecData[ii]!=IOUtils::nodata) count++;
585  }
586  return count;
587  }
588 }
590 template<class T> void Array3D<T>::abs() {
591  if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) {
592  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
593  if (keep_nodata==false) {
594  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
595  T& val = vecData[jj];
596  if (val<0) val=-val;
597  }
598  } else {
599  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
600  T& val = vecData[jj];
601  if (val<0 && val!=IOUtils::nodata) val=-val;
602  }
603  }
604  }
605 }
607 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::getAbs() const {
608  Array3D<T> result(*this); //make a copy
609  result.abs(); //already implemented
611  return result;
612 }
614 //arithmetic operators
615 template<class T> bool Array3D<T>::checkEpsilonEquality(const Array3D<double>& rhs, const double& epsilon) const {
616  if (nx!=rhs.nx || ny!=rhs.ny || nz! return false;
618  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
619  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++)
620  if (IOUtils::checkEpsilonEquality(vecData[jj], rhs.vecData[jj], epsilon)==false) return false;
622  return true;
623 }
625 template<class T> bool Array3D<T>::checkEpsilonEquality(const Array3D<double>& rhs1, const Array3D<double>& rhs2, const double& epsilon) {
626  return rhs1.checkEpsilonEquality(rhs2, epsilon);
627 }
629 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator=(const T& value) {
630  std::fill(vecData.begin(), vecData.end(), value);
631  return *this;
632 }
634 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator+=(const Array3D<T>& rhs)
635 {
636  //They have to have equal size
637  if ((rhs.nx != nx) || (rhs.ny != ny) || ( != nz)) {
638  std::ostringstream ss;
639  ss << "Trying to add two Array3D objects with different dimensions: ";
640  ss << "(" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ") + (" << rhs.nx << "," << rhs.ny << "," << << ")";
641  throw IOException(ss.str(), AT);
642  }
643  //Add to every single member of the Array3D<T>
644  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
645  if (keep_nodata==false) {
646  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
647  vecData[jj] += rhs(jj);
648  }
649  } else {
650  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
651  if (vecData[jj]==IOUtils::nodata || rhs(jj)==IOUtils::nodata)
652  vecData[jj] = IOUtils::nodata;
653  else
654  vecData[jj] += rhs(jj);
655  }
656  }
658  return *this;
659 }
661 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::operator+(const Array3D<T>& rhs) const
662 {
663  Array3D<T> result(*this); //make a copy
664  result += rhs; //already implemented
666  return result;
667 }
669 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator+=(const T& rhs)
670 {
671  if (rhs==0.) return *this;
673  //Add to every single member of the Array3D<T>
674  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
675  if (keep_nodata==false) {
676  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
677  vecData[jj] += rhs;
678  }
679  } else {
680  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
681  if (vecData[jj]!=IOUtils::nodata)
682  vecData[jj] += rhs;
683  }
684  }
686  return *this;
687 }
689 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::operator+(const T& rhs) const
690 {
691  Array3D<T> result(*this);
692  result += rhs; //already implemented
694  return result;
695 }
697 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator-=(const Array3D<T>& rhs)
698 {
699  //They have to have equal size
700  if ((rhs.nx != nx) || (rhs.ny != ny) || ( != nz)) {
701  std::ostringstream ss;
702  ss << "Trying to substract two Array3D objects with different dimensions: ";
703  ss << "(" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ") - (" << rhs.nx << "," << rhs.ny << "," << << ")";
704  throw IOException(ss.str(), AT);
705  }
706  //Substract to every single member of the Array3D<T>
707  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
708  if (keep_nodata==false) {
709  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
710  vecData[jj] -= rhs(jj);
711  }
712  } else {
713  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
714  if (vecData[jj]==IOUtils::nodata || rhs(jj)==IOUtils::nodata)
715  vecData[jj] = IOUtils::nodata;
716  else
717  vecData[jj] -= rhs(jj);
718  }
719  }
721  return *this;
722 }
724 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::operator-(const Array3D<T>& rhs) const
725 {
726  Array3D<T> result(*this); //make a copy
727  result -= rhs; //already implemented
729  return result;
730 }
732 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator-=(const T& rhs)
733 {
734  *this += -rhs;
735  return *this;
736 }
738 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::operator-(const T& rhs) const
739 {
740  Array3D<T> result(*this);
741  result += -rhs; //already implemented
743  return result;
744 }
746 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator*=(const Array3D<T>& rhs)
747 {
748  //They have to have equal size
749  if ((rhs.nx != nx) || (rhs.ny != ny) || ( != nz)) {
750  std::ostringstream ss;
751  ss << "Trying to multiply two Array3D objects with different dimensions: ";
752  ss << "(" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ") * (" << rhs.nx << "," << rhs.ny << "," << << ")";
753  throw IOException(ss.str(), AT);
754  }
755  //Multiply every single member of the Array3D<T>
756  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
757  if (keep_nodata==false) {
758  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
759  vecData[jj] *= rhs(jj);
760  }
761  } else {
762  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
763  if (vecData[jj]==IOUtils::nodata || rhs(jj)==IOUtils::nodata)
764  vecData[jj] = IOUtils::nodata;
765  else
766  vecData[jj] *= rhs(jj);
767  }
768  }
770  return *this;
771 }
773 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::operator*(const Array3D<T>& rhs) const
774 {
775  Array3D<T> result(*this); //make a copy
776  result *= rhs; //already implemented
778  return result;
779 }
781 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator*=(const T& rhs)
782 {
783  if (rhs==1.) return *this;
785  //Multiply every single member of the Array3D<T>
786  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
787  if (keep_nodata==false) {
788  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
789  vecData[jj] *= rhs;
790  }
791  } else {
792  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
793  if (vecData[jj]!=IOUtils::nodata)
794  vecData[jj] *= rhs;
795  }
796  }
798  return *this;
799 }
801 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::operator*(const T& rhs) const
802 {
803  Array3D<T> result(*this);
804  result *= rhs; //already implemented
806  return result;
807 }
809 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator/=(const Array3D<T>& rhs)
810 {
811  //They have to have equal size
812  if ((rhs.nx != nx) || (rhs.ny != ny) || ( != nz)) {
813  std::ostringstream ss;
814  ss << "Trying to divide two Array3D objects with different dimensions: ";
815  ss << "(" << nx << "," << ny << "," << nz << ") / (" << rhs.nx << "," << rhs.ny << "," << << ")";
816  throw IOException(ss.str(), AT);
817  }
818  //Divide every single member of the Array3D<T>
819  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
820  if (keep_nodata==false) {
821  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
822  vecData[jj] /= rhs(jj);
823  }
824  } else {
825  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++) {
826  if (vecData[jj]==IOUtils::nodata || rhs(jj)==IOUtils::nodata)
827  vecData[jj] = IOUtils::nodata;
828  else
829  vecData[jj] /= rhs(jj);
830  }
831  }
833  return *this;
834 }
836 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::operator/(const Array3D<T>& rhs) const
837 {
838  Array3D<T> result(*this); //make a copy
839  result /= rhs; //already implemented
841  return result;
842 }
844 template<class T> Array3D<T>& Array3D<T>::operator/=(const T& rhs)
845 {
846  *this *= (1./rhs);
847  return *this;
848 }
850 template<class T> const Array3D<T> Array3D<T>::operator/(const T& rhs) const
851 {
852  Array3D<T> result(*this);
853  result *= (1./rhs); //already implemented
855  return result;
856 }
858 template<class T> bool Array3D<T>::operator==(const Array3D<T>& in) const {
859  const size_t in_nx=in.getNx(), in_ny=in.getNy(), in_nz=in.getNz();
861  if (nx!=in_nx || ny!=in_ny || nz!=in_nz)
862  return false;
864  const size_t nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
865  for (size_t jj=0; jj<nxyz; jj++)
866  if ( !IOUtils::checkEpsilonEquality( vecData[jj] , in.vecData[jj], 1e-6) ) return false;
868  return true;
869 }
871 template<class T> bool Array3D<T>::operator!=(const Array3D<T>& in) const {
872  return !(*this==in);
873 }
875 } //end namespace mio
877 #endif
#define AT
Definition: IOExceptions.h:28
The template class Array2D is a 2D Array (Matrix) able to hold any type of object as datatype....
Definition: Array2D.h:65
size_t getNx() const
Definition: Array2D.h:384
size_t getNy() const
Definition: Array2D.h:388
The template class Array3D is a 3D Array (Tensor) able to hold any type of object as datatype....
Definition: Array3D.h:87
bool operator!=(const Array3D< T > &) const
Operator that tests for inequality.
Definition: Array3D.h:871
static bool checkEpsilonEquality(const Array3D< double > &rhs1, const Array3D< double > &rhs2, const double &epsilon)
Definition: Array3D.h:625
const Array3D< T > operator+(const T &rhs) const
Definition: Array3D.h:689
bool checkEpsilonEquality(const Array3D< double > &rhs, const double &epsilon) const
Definition: Array3D.h:615
void clear()
Definition: Array3D.h:470
size_t nz
Definition: Array3D.h:261
const Array3D< T > operator/(const Array3D< T > &rhs) const
Definition: Array3D.h:836
void fill(const Array3D< T > &i_array3D, const size_t &i_nx, const size_t &i_ny, const size_t &i_nz, const size_t &i_ncols, const size_t &i_nrows, const size_t &i_ndepth)
A method that can be used to insert a subplane into an existing Array3D object that is passed as i_ar...
Definition: Array3D.h:359
T getMean() const
returns the mean value contained in the grid
Definition: Array3D.h:553
void insert(const Array2D< T > &layer, const size_t &depth)
insert a 2D layer in an Array3D object The (nx ,ny) dimensions of the 2D and the 3D arrays must match...
Definition: Array3D.h:388
Array3D< T > & operator-=(const Array3D< T > &rhs)
Definition: Array3D.h:697
size_t getNy() const
Definition: Array3D.h:462
Array3D< T > & operator=(const T &value)
Definition: Array3D.h:629
T getMax() const
returns the maximum value contained in the grid
Definition: Array3D.h:534
const Array3D< T > getAbs() const
returns the grid of the absolute value of values contained in the grid
Definition: Array3D.h:607
bool keep_nodata
Definition: Array3D.h:263
friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &is, Array3D< P > &array)
Definition: Array3D.h:504
void subset(const Array3D< T > &i_array3D, const size_t &i_nx, const size_t &i_ny, const size_t &i_nz, const size_t &i_ncols, const size_t &i_nrows, const size_t &i_ndepth)
Definition: Array3D.h:324
const Array3D< T > operator-(const T &rhs) const
Definition: Array3D.h:738
Array3D(const Array3D< T > &i_array3D, const size_t &i_nx, const size_t &i_ny, const size_t &i_nz, const size_t &i_ncols, const size_t &i_nrows, const size_t &i_ndepth)
Definition: Array3D.h:316
void size(size_t &anx, size_t &any, size_t &anz) const
Definition: Array3D.h:448
size_t nxny
Definition: Array3D.h:262
size_t getCount() const
returns the number of points contained in the grid. If setNodataHandling(IOUtils::RAW_NODATA),...
Definition: Array3D.h:575
void abs()
Definition: Array3D.h:590
size_t getNx() const
Definition: Array3D.h:458
Array3D< T > & operator+=(const Array3D< T > &rhs)
Definition: Array3D.h:634
bool empty() const
Definition: Array3D.h:475
Array3DProxy< T > operator[](const size_t &i)
Definition: Array3D.h:308
size_t size() const
Definition: Array3D.h:454
std::vector< T > vecData
The actual objects are stored in a one-dimensional vector.
Definition: Array3D.h:258
size_t getNz() const
Definition: Array3D.h:466
Array3D< T > & operator/=(const T &rhs)
Definition: Array3D.h:844
void resize(const size_t &anx, const size_t &any, const size_t &anz)
Definition: Array3D.h:430
void resize(const size_t &anx, const size_t &any, const size_t &anz, const T &init)
Definition: Array3D.h:439
Array3D< T > & operator-=(const T &rhs)
Definition: Array3D.h:732
size_t nx
Definition: Array3D.h:259
bool getKeepNodata() const
get how to process nodata values (ie: as nodata or as normal numbers)
Definition: Array3D.h:426
const Array3D< T > operator*(const T &rhs) const
Definition: Array3D.h:801
T & operator()(const size_t &i)
Definition: Array3D.h:266
Array3D(const size_t &anx, const size_t &any, const size_t &anz, const T &init)
Definition: Array3D.h:416
const Array3D< T > operator-(const Array3D< T > &rhs) const
Definition: Array3D.h:724
Array3D< T > & operator*=(const Array3D< T > &rhs)
Definition: Array3D.h:746
const Array3D< T > operator*(const Array3D< T > &rhs) const
Definition: Array3D.h:773
void setKeepNodata(const bool i_keep_nodata)
set how to process nodata values (ie: as nodata or as normal numbers)
Definition: Array3D.h:422
const Array3D< T > operator/(const T &rhs) const
Definition: Array3D.h:850
T getMin() const
returns the minimum value contained in the grid
Definition: Array3D.h:515
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Array3D< P > &array)
Definition: Array3D.h:495
const std::string toString() const
Definition: Array3D.h:479
Definition: Array3D.h:312
Array3D(const size_t &anx, const size_t &any, const size_t &anz)
Definition: Array3D.h:410
Array3D< T > & operator*=(const T &rhs)
Definition: Array3D.h:781
void fill(const Array3D< T > &i_array3D, const size_t &i_nx, const size_t &i_ny, const size_t &i_nz)
Definition: Array3D.h:352
bool operator==(const Array3D< T > &) const
Operator that tests for equality.
Definition: Array3D.h:858
const Array3D< T > operator+(const Array3D< T > &rhs) const
Definition: Array3D.h:661
size_t ny
Definition: Array3D.h:260
Array3D< T > & operator+=(const T &rhs)
Definition: Array3D.h:669
Array3D< T > & operator/=(const Array3D< T > &rhs)
Definition: Array3D.h:809
The basic exception class adjusted for the needs of SLF software.
Definition: IOExceptions.h:40
thrown when an index is out of bounds
Definition: IOExceptions.h:106
static const double e
Definition: Meteoconst.h:68
const double nodata
This is the internal nodata value.
Definition: IOUtils.h:75
size_t count(const std::string &input, const std::string &search)
count how many times a substring appears in a string
bool checkEpsilonEquality(const double &val1, const double &val2, const double &epsilon)
Check whether two values are equal regarding a certain epsilon environment (within certain radius of ...
Definition: IOUtils.h:121
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Config &cfg)
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &is, Config &cfg)