class | A3DIO |
class | AccessException |
| thrown when a there are insufficient rights to access a file/server/... in a certain way (e.g. read, write) More...
class | Accumulate |
| Accumulation over a user given period. More...
class | ACDD |
| This class contains and handles NetCDF Attribute Conventions Dataset Discovery attributes (see ACDD). More...
class | AlgorithmFactory |
class | AllSkyLWGenerator |
| ILWR all sky parametrization. More...
class | AllSkySWGenerator |
| ISWR all sky parametrization. More...
class | ALPUG |
| This plugin reads data as they come out of ALPUG stations, in ASCII. More...
class | ALS_Interpolation |
| Scale and distribute the precipitation according to Airborn Laser Scans (ALS) grids. More...
class | AnetzData |
class | ARCIO |
| This class enables the access to 2D grids stored in ESRI ASCII (ARCGIS) format. More...
class | ArgosIO |
| This plugin deals with data that has been transmitted through the ARGOS satellites. In order to reduce data transfers, no headers are provided with the data and therefore all the metadata will have to be provided to the plugin. More...
class | ArgosStation |
class | ARIMAResampling |
| This class is designed to handle interpolation (resampling) of data using the ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) model. More...
class | ARPSIO |
| This class enables the access to 2D grids stored in ARPS format. More...
class | Array1D |
| The template class Array1D is a 1D array (vector) able to hold any type of object as datatype. If the compilation flag NOSAFECHECKS is used, bounds check is turned off (leading to increased performances). More...
class | Array2D |
| The template class Array2D is a 2D Array (Matrix) able to hold any type of object as datatype. It relies on the Array2DProxy class to provide the [][] operator (slower than the (i,j) call). If the compilation flag NOSAFECHECKS is used, bounds check is turned off (leading to increased performances). More...
class | Array2DProxy |
| The template class Array2DProxy is a helper class for the template class Array2D with the purpose of adding the [][] operator to Array2D.
class | Array3D |
| The template class Array3D is a 3D Array (Tensor) able to hold any type of object as datatype. It relies on the Array3DProxy2 class to provide the [][][] operator (slower than the (i,j,k) call). If the compilation flag NOSAFECHECKS is used, bounds check is turned off (leading to increased performances). More...
class | Array3DProxy |
| The template class Array3DProxy is a helper class for the template class Array3D with the purpose of adding the [][] operator to Array3D.
class | Array3DProxy2 |
| The template class Array3DProxy2 is a helper class for the template class Array3D with the purpose of adding the [][][] operator to Array3D.
class | Array4D |
| The template class Array4D is a 4D Array (Tensor) able to hold any type of object as datatype. More...
class | Atmosphere |
| A class to calculate the atmosphere's parameters. More...
class | AvgAlgorithm |
| Average filling interpolation algorithm. More...
class | AvgLapseRateAlgorithm |
| Average filling with elevation lapse rate interpolation algorithm. More...
class | BlockFactory |
class | ClearSkyLWGenerator |
| ILWR clear sky parametrization. More...
class | ClearSkySWGenerator |
| ISWR clear sky parametrization. More...
class | Config |
| A class that reads a key/value file. These files (typically named *.ini) follow the INI file format standard (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file) and have the following structure: More...
class | ConfigParser |
class | ConfigProxy |
class | ConstAlgorithm |
| Constant filling interpolation algorithm. More...
class | ConstGenerator |
| Constant value generator. More...
class | ConversionFailedException |
| thrown when an unsuccessful attempt to convert data types/classes is made (e.g. attempt to convert a literal into a number) More...
class | Coords |
| A class to handle geographic coordinate systems. This class offers an easy way to transparently convert between various coordinate systems. For any given object, as soon as a latitude/longitude can be computed/read, it will be used as a reference. This means that every subsequent change of projection system or read will be the conversion of this reference lat/lon position (until a new "set" is called). See Coords::setProj for the supported coordinate systems. More...
class | CoordsAlgorithms |
| A static class to handle geographic algorithms. This class offers methods to handle lat/lon coordinates, to transform lat/lon coordinates, to compute distances on a sphere or to convert between coordinate systems. More...
class | CosmoXMLIO |
| Reading of FieldExtra XML meteorological data. This is the plugin for reading the XML data generated by FieldExtra, the post-processor of the MeteoSwiss COSMO meteorological model. More...
class | CST_Synth |
class | CsvDateTime |
| class to contain date and time parsing information More...
class | CsvIO |
| Reads meteo data from a comma separated file. More...
class | CsvParameters |
class | Daily_solar |
| Generate solar radiation out of daily sums. More...
class | DailyAverage |
| Generate daily variations around a single daily average. More...
class | DataEditing |
class | DataGenerator |
| A class to generate meteo data from user-selected models or parametrizations. This class sits in between the actual implementation of the various methods and the IOManager in order to offer some high level interface. It basically reads the arguments and creates the objects for the various data generators in its constructor and loop through the parameters and stations when called to fill the data. More...
class | Date |
| A class to handle timestamps. This class handles conversion between different time display formats (ISO, numeric) as well as different time representation (julian date, modified julian date, etc). It also handles time zones as well as very basic Daylight Saving Time (DST). Since the activation dates of DST are political and not technical, it can not be automatically calculated. Therefore, it has to be provided by the caller: when the dst flag is set, the dst time shift is automatically applied. When the dst flag ceases to be set, the dst time shift is no longer applied. This is very crude, but please keep in mind that using DST for monitoring data is usually a bad idea... Finally, we assume that dates are positive. If this would not be the case, this class has to be recompiled with the proper define. More...
class | DateRange |
| A class to represent and handle date ranges. They can be sorted, checked for uniqueness and a date can be compared to the range (is it before or after?). More...
class | DBO |
| This class enables the access to the DBO RESTful web service. More...
class | DEMAlgorithms |
| A static class to compute various DEM-related parameters (such as shading, view factors, etc) More...
class | DEMObject |
| A class to represent DEMs and automatically compute some properties. This class stores elevation grids and their georeferencing, expressed as the lower-left coordinates, the cellsize (cells are assumed to be square) and a nodata code for potentially empty cells (The nodata parameter is supposed to be IOUtils::nodata). This class also automatically computes local slope, azimuth, curvature, normals and minimal/maximal for normalization. Various algorithms are available to compute these properties (see mio::DEMObject::slope_type) and it is possible to toggle between automatic refresh or not. Several other DEM related values can be computed, such as the horizon, displacements within the DEM, etc. More...
class | EditingAutoMerge |
| AUTOMERGE input editing command. More...
class | EditingBlock |
| Base class for DataEditing algorithms. More...
class | EditingBlockFactory |
class | EditingCopy |
| COPY input editing command. More...
class | EditingCreate |
| CREATE input editing command. More...
class | EditingExclude |
| EXCLUDE input editing command. More...
class | EditingKeep |
| KEEP input editing command. More...
class | EditingMerge |
| MERGE input editing command. More...
class | EditingMetadata |
| METADATA input editing command. More...
class | EditingRegFill |
| RegFill input editing command. More...
class | EditingRename |
| RENAME input editing command. More...
class | EditingSwap |
| SWAP input editing command. More...
class | ESOLIPGenerator |
| Generate precipitation from changes in snow height. More...
class | ExpVario |
class | FilterDeGrass |
| This filter is used to distinguish if snow (HS) is on the ground or not. More...
class | FilterDespikingPS |
| Despiking filter using phase space. More...
class | FilterKalman |
| A statistical filter for state likelihood estimation: the Kalman filter. More...
class | FilterMAD |
| Median Absolute Deviation. More...
class | FilterMaths |
| A filter that evaluates formulas dependent on conditions. More...
class | FilterMax |
| Max range filter. More...
class | FilterMin |
| Min range filter. More...
class | FilterMinMax |
| Min/Max range filter. More...
class | FilterMinMaxConditional |
| Applies a min/max filter if a second parameter matches a comparison. More...
class | FilterNoChange |
| This filter removes periods showing insufficient changes. More...
class | FilterParticle |
| A Monte Carlo sampling method: the particle filter. More...
class | FilterPotentialSW |
| Checks for physically realistic incoming short wave radiation (ISWR) values. More...
class | FilterRate |
| Rate of change filter. More...
class | FilterStdDev |
| Standard deviation filter. More...
class | FilterSuppr |
| Suppression filter. More...
class | FilterTimeconsistency |
| Check that the time evolution of a given parameter is consistent with its past evolution. More...
class | FilterTukey |
| Tukey 53H method. More...
class | FilterUnheatedPSUM |
| Filters out snow melting in an unheated rain gauge. More...
class | Fit1D |
| A class to perform 1D regressions. More...
class | FitLeastSquare |
| A class to perform non-linear least square fitting. It works on a time serie and uses matrix arithmetic to perform an arbitrary fit (see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NonlinearLeastSquaresFitting.html). More...
class | FitLinClosedForm |
| A class to perform multiple linear regressions relying on the closed form solution. More...
class | FitModel |
class | GeneratorAlgorithm |
| Interface class for the generator models. More...
class | GeneratorAlgorithmFactory |
class | GeotopIO |
| This class enables the access meteo data in legacy Geotop format. More...
class | GoesIO |
| This plugin deals with data that has been transmitted through the GOES satellites (see also https://www.goes-r.gov/resources/docs.html and https://www.rtl-sdr.com/tag/goes/). In order to reduce data transfers, no headers are provided with the data and therefore all the metadata will have to be provided to the plugin. More...
class | GoesStation |
class | gr_azi |
class | gr_bg_isomorphic |
class | gr_blktowhite |
class | gr_blue |
class | gr_blue_pink |
class | gr_bluewhitered |
class | gr_freeze |
class | gr_heat |
class | gr_pastel |
class | gr_slope |
class | gr_terrain |
class | gr_whitetoblk |
class | Gradient |
| This converts numeric values into rgb values. The object is initialized with the range that the gradient should cover and the gradient type. Then each numeric value that is given will be converted into rgb values from the selected gradient. Data out of range are converted to either the minimum or the maximum of the gradient. Special pixels should return a=true to indicate transparency (however, pure white is the transparency color, so do not use it in your gradients!). More...
class | Gradient_model |
class | GrassIO |
| This class enables the access to 2D grids stored in GRASS ASCII (e.g. JGrass) format. More...
class | GRIBIO |
| This plugin reads GRIB 1 or 2 data files. More...
class | Grid1DInterpolator |
| A class to temporally resample grid objects. More...
class | Grid2DObject |
| A class to represent 2D Grids. Typical application as DEM or Landuse Model. More...
class | Grid3DObject |
| A class to represent 3D Grids. Typical application: wind field. More...
class | GridBuffer |
| A class to buffer gridded data. This class buffers Grid2D objects. It implements a proper ring buffer, thus removing old buffered grids when necessary. More...
class | GridLinearResampling |
| Point-wise linear interpolation between grids. More...
class | GridProcessor |
| This class is handled by a GridManager and performs grid filtering and temporal resampling. More...
class | GridResamplingAlgorithm |
| Interface class for grid resampling algorithms. More...
class | GridResamplingAlgorithmsFactory |
| Object factory for temporal grid resampling algorithms. More...
class | GridsManager |
class | GridTimeseriesResampling |
| This grid resampling class builds time series at all grid positions and sends them to meteo 1d resampling algorithms to perform the interpolations. More...
class | HumidityGenerator |
| (Relative/Specifc) Humidity or Dew Point temperature generator. More...
class | iCSVIO |
| A class to read and write iCSV files. More...
class | IDWAlgorithm |
| Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation algorithm. More...
class | IDWLapseAlgorithm |
| Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation algorithm with elevation detrending/reprojection. More...
class | IDWSlopesAlgorithm |
| Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation with splitted N/E/S/W slopes and flats. More...
class | ILWREpsAlgorithm |
| Incoming Long Wave Radiation interpolation algorithm. More...
class | ImisIO |
| The class with-in the data from the database are treated. The MeteoData and the StationData will be set in. This class also herited to IOInterface class which is abstract. More...
class | IndexOutOfBoundsException |
| thrown when an index is out of bounds More...
class | Interpol1D |
| A class to perform basic 1D statistics. Each method is static. More...
class | Interpol2D |
| A class to perform 2D spatial interpolations. Each parameter to be interpolated declares which interpolation method to use. Then the class computes the interpolation for each 2D grid point, combining the inputs provided by the available data sources. More...
class | InterpolARIMA |
| This class is used for interpolating or predicting missing data in a time series using the Auto ARIMA algorithm. More...
class | InterpolationAlgorithm |
| A class to perform 2D spatial interpolations. For more, see Spatial interpolations. More...
class | InvalidArgumentException |
| thrown when encountered an unexpected function's argument (e.g. bad index, bad or missing parameter name, etc.) More...
class | InvalidFormatException |
| thrown when parsed data does not reflect an expected format (e.g. premature end of a line, file) More...
class | InvalidNameException |
| thrown when a given filename/servername/... is not valid (e.g. "..", "." or empty) More...
class | IOException |
| The basic exception class adjusted for the needs of SLF software. More...
class | IOHandler |
| This class is the class to use for raw I/O operations. It is responsible for transparently loading the plugins and it follows the interface defined by the IOInterface class with the addition of a few convenience methods. More...
class | IOInterface |
| A class representing the IO Layer of the software Alpine3D. For each type of IO (File, DB, Webservice, etc) a derived class is to be created that holds the specific implementation of the appropriate virtual methods. The IOHandler class is a wrapper class that is able to deal with all above implementations of the IOInterface abstract base class. More...
class | IOManager |
class | IswrAlbedoGenerator |
| Incoming or reflected short wave generator. More...
class | JsonWrapper |
| This is a wrapper class around picoJson and Curl. More...
class | LapseOrdinaryKrigingAlgorithm |
| Ordinary kriging with detrending. More...
class | Legend |
| This creates a legend as pixels in a Grid2DObject. This should be used with/by a plugin that would then convert this Grid2DObject into a true graphic file (png, etc). More...
class | LibResampling2D |
| Spatial resampling algorithms. More...
class | LinearLS |
class | LinearResampling |
| Linear data resampling. More...
class | LinesRange |
| A class to represent and handle ranges of lines. They can be sorted, checked for uniqueness and a line number can be compared to the range (is it before or after?). More...
class | LinVario |
class | ListonWindAlgorithm |
| Curvature/slope influenced wind interpolation algorithm. More...
class | LocalIDWLapseAlgorithm |
| Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation algorithm with elevation detrending/reprojection. More...
class | Matrix |
| This class implements the basic operations on matrices. Elements are access in matrix notation: that is A(1,2) represents the second element of the first line. Index go from 1 to nrows/ncols. More...
class | Meteo1DInterpolator |
| A class that can resample MeteoData objects. More...
class | Meteo2DInterpolator |
| A class to spatially interpolate meteo parameters. For more, see Spatial interpolations. More...
class | MeteoBlue |
| This class enables the access to the MeteoBlue RESTful web service. More...
class | MeteoBuffer |
| A class to buffer meteorological data. This class buffers MeteoData objects. It is currently NOT a proper ring buffer, this should come in a later implementation. More...
class | MeteoData |
| A class to represent a singular measurement received from one station at a certain time (represented by the Date object) More...
class | MeteoGrids |
| A class to represent the meteorological parameters that could be contained in a grid. This should be very close to MeteoData with a few additions (like the wind u,v,w) More...
class | MeteoIndex |
| Mteorological indices data generator. More...
class | MeteoProcessor |
| A facade class that invokes the processing of the filters and the resampling. More...
class | MYSQLIO |
class | ncFiles |
class | NearestNeighbour |
| Nearest Neighbour data resampling. More...
class | NearestNeighbourAlgorithm |
| Fill each pixel with the measured data of its closests station. More...
class | NetCDFIO |
| This plug-in allows reading and writing of NetCDF files for gridded data. More...
class | NoDataException |
| thrown when no data is available More...
class | NoisyLinear |
class | NoneAlgorithm |
| Returns a nodata filled grid. More...
class | NoResampling |
| No resampling: do not resample parameter but keep original sampling rate. More...
class | NotFoundException |
| thrown when a there is an unsuccessful attempt to locate a file/server/... More...
class | ofilestream |
| A class that extends std::ofstream, adding some output functionality. Limiting the write access of the software, writing non-existing output directories, and adding a timestamp to output filenames. More...
class | OrdinaryKrigingAlgorithm |
| Ordinary kriging. More...
class | OshdIO |
| This plugin reads Matlab binary files, relying on the MatIO library. More...
class | PGMIO |
| This class writes 2D grids as Portable Grey Map file format. More...
class | PmodIO |
| This class reads radiation data in raw file format from PMOD/WRC Institute. More...
class | PNGIO |
| This plugin write 2D grids as PNG images. More...
class | PolynomialRegression |
| A class to perform 1D polynomial regression. More...
class | PPHASEInterpolation |
| Precipitation phase splitting generation. More...
class | PrecSplitting |
| Generate precipitation phase or splitting according to the selected method. More...
class | ProcAdd |
| Add an offset to the values. More...
class | ProcAggregate |
| Data aggregation. More...
class | ProcDeAccumulate |
| Convert accumulated values back to instantaneous values. More...
class | ProcessingBlock |
| The base class for all filters that provides the interface and a few helper methods. More...
class | ProcessingProperties |
class | ProcessingStack |
| This builds and runs through a filter stack for filtering a given parameter. More...
class | ProcExpSmoothing |
| Exponential smoothing. More...
class | ProcIIR |
| Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter. More...
class | ProcMult |
| Multiply values. More...
class | ProcPSUMDistribute |
| Distributes precipitation on the preceeding timesteps in a physically plausible way. More...
class | ProcQuantileMapping |
| Quantile Mapping correction. More...
class | ProcReducePressure |
| Convert local pressure to sea level pressure. More...
class | ProcRHWaterToIce |
| Correct relative humidity over water to over ice in case temperature is below freezing. More...
class | ProcShade |
| Apply a shading mask to the Incoming or Reflected Short Wave Radiation. More...
class | ProcShift |
| Time shifting filter for the selected meteo parameter. More...
class | ProcTransformWindVector |
| This filter reprojects wind direction, and/or wind speed components, between PROJ supported coordinate systems. More...
class | ProcUndercatch_Forland |
| Correct precipitation for undercatch in winter conditions. More...
class | ProcUndercatch_Hamon |
| Correct precipitation for undercatch in winter conditions. More...
class | ProcUndercatch_WMO |
| Correct precipitation for undercatch in winter conditions. More...
class | ProcUnventilatedT |
| Filters and corrects temperatures from unventilated sensor. More...
class | ProcWMASmoothing |
| Weighted moving average smoothing. More...
class | PSQLIO |
| This plugin connects to a generic PostgreSQL server to retrieve its meteorological data. More...
class | Quadratic |
class | RadiationComponents |
| Compute the global radiation (ISWR) from the direct and diffuse components. More...
class | RandomNumberGenerator |
class | RatQuadVario |
class | RECT_Synth |
class | RegressionFill |
| Fill missing values from a station, using another station as reference. More...
class | ResamplingAlgorithms |
| Interface class for the temporal resampling algorithms. More...
class | ResamplingAlgorithmsFactory |
class | ResamplingStack |
class | RestrictionsIdx |
| Convenience class for processing data with time restriction periods. More...
class | RHListonAlgorithm |
| Relative humidity interpolation algorithm. More...
class | RngCore |
class | RngFactory |
class | RngMtw |
class | RngPcg |
class | RngXor |
class | RyanAlgorithm |
| DEM-based wind direction interpolation algorithm. More...
class | SASEIO |
| This is the plugin required to get meteorological data from the SASE database. More...
class | SimpleLinear |
class | SinGenerator |
| Sinusoid generator. More...
class | SMETIO |
| Reads meteo data in the SMET ASCII or binary format. More...
class | SNIO |
| This class enables the access to meteo data stored in SNOWPACK format. More...
class | SnowlineAlgorithm |
| Assimilation of snowline elevation information into snow maps. More...
class | SnowPSUMInterpolation |
| Precipitation distribution according to the local slope and curvature. More...
class | Solar |
| Interpolate solar radiation. More...
struct | sort_horizons |
class | SphericVario |
class | StandardPressureAlgorithm |
| Standard atmospheric pressure interpolation algorithm. More...
class | StandardPressureGenerator |
| Standard atmospheric pressure generator. More...
class | StationData |
| A class to represent meteo stations with attributes like longitude, latitude, etc. More...
class | STDPRESS_Synth |
class | STEP_Synth |
class | SunMeeus |
| Calculate the Sun's position based on the Meeus algorithm. See J. Meeus, "Astronomical Algorithms", 1998, 2nd ed, Willmann-Bell, Inc., Richmond, VA, USA, ISBN 0-943396-61-1. A useful reference is also NOAA's spreadsheet at http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/solcalc/calcdetails.html or http://energyworksus.com/solar_installation_position.html for comparing positional data. The technical report I. Reda, A. Andreas, "Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications", 2008, NREL/TP-560-34302 also contains an alternative algorithm and very detailed validation data sets. More...
class | SunObject |
| A class to calculate Solar radiation characteristics This is largely based on M. Iqbal, "An introduction to solar radiation", 1983, Academic Press, ISBN: 0-12-373750-8. The Sun's position is provided by the SunTrajectory class (currently the only implemented algorithm is Meeus). All units are SI. See http://www.meteoexploration.com/products/solarcalc.php for a validation calculator. More...
class | SunTrajectory |
| A class to calculate the Sun's position This class is purely virtual. More...
class | SWRadInterpolation |
| Solar radiation interpolation with optional terrain shading. More...
class | Synthesizer |
| Generator to produce synthetic data for the SynthIO plugin. More...
class | SynthFactory |
class | SynthIO |
| This plugin generate synthetic data. More...
class | TauCLDGenerator |
| Atmospheric transmissivity generator. More...
class | TimeLoop |
| Loops over a specific time period. More...
class | TimeOutException |
| thrown when an operation does not complete in the foreseen time More...
class | TimeProcStack |
| Since the time filters are quite specific to TIME (and need to be applied before), they have their own ProcessingStack. More...
class | Timer |
| Time code execution with at least 1 us resolution. The time resolution can be stored up to .1 ns resolution, but is measured to the following accuracy: More...
class | TimeSeriesManager |
class | TimeShift |
| Time corrections. More...
class | TimeSort |
| Sort out of order timesteps. More...
class | TimeSuppr |
| Timesteps suppression filter. More...
class | Trend |
class | TsGenerator |
| Surface temperature generator. More...
class | UnknownValueException |
| thrown when encountered an unexpected value (e.g. unknown name or key) More...
class | UsageTimer |
| Process usage timer for Posix This is based on getrusage and thus returns detailed timing information about how the time was spend (userland, system time). More...
class | USERInterpolation |
| Reads user provided gridded data on the disk. More...
class | WatchDog |
| A software watchdog, killing the current process after the given number of seconds. More...
class | WindComponents |
| Compute VW and/or DW from the U, V wind components. More...
class | WindowedFilter |
class | WinstralAlgorithm |
| DEM-based wind-exposure interpolation algorithm. More...
class | WinstralListonAlgorithm |
| DEM-based wind-exposure interpolation algorithm, for a spatially explicit varying DW field. More...
class | Zero |
class | ZRXPIO |
| Outputs meteo data in a text format readable by a WISKI database. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Config &cfg) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Config &cfg) |
static bool | IsUndef (const MeteoData &md) |
static FitLeastSquare * | chooseModel (const EditingRegFill::RegressionType ®type) |
static std::vector< double > | doRegression (const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< double > &y, const EditingRegFill::RegressionType ®type) |
static double | linear (double x, const std::vector< double > ¶ms) |
static double | quadratic (double x, const std::vector< double > ¶ms) |
static double | forward (double x, const std::vector< double > ¶ms, EditingRegFill::RegressionType regtype) |
static std::unordered_map< double, size_t > | mapDatesToIndex (const METEO_SET &vecMeteo) |
static std::vector< double > | findDuplicateDates (const std::unordered_map< double, size_t > &dates_1, const std::unordered_map< double, size_t > &dates_2) |
std::string | getLibVersion (const bool &short_version=false) |
| Return the library version. More...
static void | eraseArg (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &vecArgs, const std::string &argname) |
static void | signal_handler (int signal_num) |
static void | signals_catching (const int &SIG) |
template<class P > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array1D< P > &array) |
template<class P > |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Array1D< P > &array) |
template<class P > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array2D< P > &array) |
template<class P > |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Array2D< P > &array) |
template<class P > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array3D< P > &array) |
template<class P > |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Array3D< P > &array) |
template<class P > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array4D< P > &array) |
template<class P > |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Array4D< P > &array) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Coords &coord) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Coords &coord) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Date &date) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Date &date) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DEMObject &dem) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, DEMObject &dem) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Grid2DObject &grid) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Grid2DObject &grid) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Grid3DObject &grid) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Grid3DObject &grid) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MeteoData &data) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, MeteoData &data) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const StationData &station) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, StationData &station) |
bool | sort_dateKeys (const std::pair< size_t, size_t > &left, const std::pair< size_t, size_t > &right) |
bool | parseTsPoint (const picojson::value &v, Date &datum, double &value) |
static bool | areFilesWithinLimit (const std::vector< std::string > &filenames) |
static std::string | joinVector (const std::vector< std::string > &vec, const char &delimiter) |
static std::vector< Coords > | getUniqueLocations (iCSVFile &file) |
static std::vector< std::string > | getFilesWithPaths (const std::vector< std::string > &vecFilenames, const std::string &inpath) |
| Get the file names together with paths and check for validity. More...
static void | scanMeteoPath (const Config &cfg, const std::string &inpath, std::vector< std::string > &vecFilenames) |
double | transformTime (const double &julian, const double &offset, const double &scale, const double &precision) |
static bool | IsUndef (const MeteoData &md) |
static std::vector< Date >::iterator | findDate (std::vector< Date > &gap_dates, const Date &resampling_date) |
static bool | accumulateData (const Date &data_start_date, const Date &data_end_date, const ARIMA_GAP &new_gap, const std::vector< MeteoData > &vecM, bool &gave_warning_interpol, size_t &length, std::vector< double > &data, std::vector< Date > &dates, std::vector< MeteoData > &data_vec_before, std::vector< MeteoData > &data_vec_after, bool &has_data_before, bool &has_data_after) |
static bool | isRandomWalk (auto_arima_object model) |