This class contains and handles NetCDF Attribute Conventions Dataset Discovery attributes (see ACDD).
The final value of any acdd field is provided by three sources, any attempts stops as soon as some value has been found: 1. the INI configuration key; 2. reading the matching environment variable; 3. some hard-coded defaults (whenever it makes sense and is possible). It is therefore possible to define relevant default values system-wide by setting an environment variable of the same name as the INI configuration key and individual configuration files might still overwrite this default by explicitely setting the configuration key.
The following keys are supported to define ACDD attribues (all in the [Output] section):
- Overview of the dataset
- ACDD_TITLE: a short title for the data set;
- ACDD_SUMMARY: a paragraph describing the dataset;
- ACDD_SUMMARY_FILE: a file containing a description of the dataset, it overwrites the value of ACDD_SUMMARY if present;
- ACDD_COMMENT: miscellaneous informartion about the dataset;
- ACDD_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: acknowledgement for the various types of support for the project that produced this data;
- ACDD_KEYWORDS: a list of AGU Index Terms (default: hard-coded list);
- ACDD_KEYWORDS_VOCABULARY: the unique name or identifier of the vocabulary from which keywords are taken (default: AGU);
- Linking the dataset to other resources and metadata
- ACDD_ID: an identifier for the data set, provided by and unique within its naming authority. Example: DOI, URL, text string, but without white spaces
- ACDD_NAMING_AUTHORITY: The organization that provides the initial id (see above) for the dataset
- ACDD_METADATA_LINK: A URL/DOI that gives more complete metadata;
- ACDD_REFERENCES: Published or web-based references that describe the data or methods used to produce it;
- WIGOS_ID: although this is not an ACDD key, it can be very useful in linking datasets together through their WIGOS ID.
- Origin of the data
- ACDD_PROJECT: the scientific project that created the data;
- ACDD_PROGRAM: The overarching program(s) of which the dataset is a part;
- ACDD_SOURCE: The method of production of the original data;
- ACDD_ACTIVITY_TYPE: Activity types are used to identify the origin of the dataset. Pick one from this controlled vocabulary;
- Contact information regarding the data set
- ACDD_INSTITUTION: the institution providing the data set (default: domain name);
- The following can be a list of comma-delimited values but must be kept in-sync (ie if providing two creators, then two emails must also be provided, etc):
- ACDD_CREATOR: the name of the creator of the data set (default: login name);
- ACDD_CREATOR_EMAIL: the email of the creator;
- ACDD_CREATOR_INSTITUTION: the institution of the creator; should uniquely identify the creator's institution;
- ACDD_CREATOR_URL: the URL of the creator principally responsible for creating this data;
- ACDD_CREATOR_TYPE: either person, group, institution, or position (default: person);
- The following can be a list of comma-delimited values but must be kept in-sync (ie if providing two publishers, then two emails must also be provided, etc):
- ACDD_PUBLISHER: the name of the person / entity responsible for publishing the data file or product to users, with its current metadata and format;
- ACDD_PUBLISHER_EMAIL: the email of the person / entity responsible for publishing the data file or product to users;
- ACDD_PUBLISHER_URL: the url of the person / entity responsible for publishing the data file or product to users;
- ACDD_PUBLISHER_TYPE: either person, group, institution, or position (default: person);
- The following can be a list of comma-delimited values but must be kept in-sync (ie if providing two contributors, then two roles must also be provided, etc):
- ACDD_CONTRIBUTOR: the name of the individuals, instutitions or projects that have contributed to the data set (default: login name);
- ACDD_CONTRIBUTOR_ROLE: the role of the contributor;
- Miscellaneous
- ACDD_PROCESSING_LEVEL: a textual description of the processing level
- ACDD_LICENSE: describes the license applicable to the dataset;
- ACDD_PRODUCT_VERSION: Version identifier of the data file or product as assigned by the data creator (default: 1.0);
- ACDD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS: The current operational status of the product. Choose from the controlled vocabulary;
This list contains all mandatory ACDD fields as listed at the Arctic Data Centre as well as most of the optional fields (please note that the geospatial and time coverage are automatically generated based on the data itself and the history is also automatically handled).
Example of ACDD configuration for a NetCDF file generated for the WMO's Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) data portal:
ACDD_CREATOR = Mathias Bavay
ACDD_PUBLISHER = Mathias Bavay
ACDD_ID = 5LAR1_MeteoBase
ACDD_TITLE = Meteo station at Laret val/cal site
ACDD_SUMMARY = Meteo station at Laret val/cal site
ACDD_ACTIVITY_TYPE = in situ land-based station
@ raw
Definition: IOUtils.h:55
| ACDD (const bool &set_enable) |
| Constructor, the argument allows the object to know if the acdd metadata should be written out or not. More...
const_iterator | cbegin () const noexcept |
const_iterator | cend () const noexcept |
void | setEnabled (const bool &i_enable) |
| Set an internal boolean as a helper for the caller to know if ACDD support should be enabled or not. Moreover, it initializes the attributes map if not already done. More...
void | setUserConfig (const mio::Config &cfg, const std::string §ion, const bool &allow_multi_line=true) |
| Read all config keys from the selected section and apply some special processing for some keys. More...
void | addAttribute (const std::string &att_name, const std::string &att_value, const Mode &mode=MERGE) |
| Add an attribute and its content to the internal list. More...
void | addAttribute (const std::string &att_name, const double &att_value, const Mode &mode=MERGE) |
bool | isEnabled () const |
| Get an internal boolean as a helper for the caller to know if ACDD support should be enabled or not. More...
std::string | getAttribute (std::string &att_name) const |
| Given an attribute name, return its associated value (or an empty string if it does not exists) More...
void | setGeometry (const mio::Grid2DObject &grid, const bool &isLatLon) |
void | setGeometry (const std::vector< std::vector< mio::MeteoData > > &vecMeteo, const bool &isLatLon) |
void | setGeometry (const mio::Coords &location, const bool &isLatLon) |
void | setGeometry (const std::vector< mio::Coords > &vecLocation, const bool &isLatLon) |
void | setTimeCoverage (const std::vector< std::vector< mio::MeteoData > > &vecMeteo) |
void | setTimeCoverage (const std::vector< mio::MeteoData > &vecMeteo) |
void | setTimeCoverage (const std::vector< std::string > &vec_timestamp, const double &TZ) |
std::string | toString () const |