MeteoIODoc  2.10.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
2 /***********************************************************************************/
3 /* Copyright 2009 WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF-DAVOS */
4 /***********************************************************************************/
5 /* This file is part of MeteoIO.
6  MeteoIO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  MeteoIO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  along with MeteoIO. If not, see <>.
18 */
19 #ifndef METEOCONST_H
20 #define METEOCONST_H
22 #include <cfloat>
28 #ifndef MIO_VERSION
29  //here below, the double-expansion stringification macro trick...
30  #define STR1(x) #x
31  #define STR2(x) STR1(x)
32  #define MIO_VERSION STR2( _VERSION )
33 #endif
35 namespace mio {
37 namespace Cst {
38  static const double stefan_boltzmann = 5.670373e-8; // (W m-2 K-4)
39  static const double gravity = 9.80665; // (m s-2)
40  static const double std_press = 101325.; // (Pa) at sea level
41  static const double std_temp = 288.15; // (K) at sea level
42  static const double mean_adiabatique_lapse_rate = 0.0065; // (K/m)
43  static const double dry_adiabatique_lapse_rate = 0.0098; // (K/m)
45  static const double gaz_constant_dry_air = 287.058; // (J kg-1 K-1)
46  static const double gaz_constant_water_vapor = 461.9; // (J kg-1 K-1)
47  static const double gaz_constant = 8.31451; // (J mol-1 K-1)
49  static const double p_water_triple_pt = 611.73; // (Pa)
50  static const double t_water_freezing_pt = 273.15; // (K)
51  static const double t_water_triple_pt = 273.16; // (K)
52  static const double l_water_sublimation = 2.838e6; // (J kg-1)
53  static const double l_water_vaporization = 2.504e6; // (J kg-1)
54  static const double l_water_fusion = 3.34e5; // (J Kg-1)
55  static const double water_molecular_mass = 18.0153e-3; // (kg)
56  static const double dry_air_mol_mass = 0.0289644; // (kg/mol)
58  static const double specific_heat_ice = 2100.0; // (J K-1), at 0C
59  static const double specific_heat_water = 4190.0; // (J K-1) at 0C
60  static const double specific_heat_air = 1004.67; // (J K-1), see Stull "Meteorology for scientists and engineers" p44
62  static const double earth_R0 = 6356766.0; // (m)
64  static const double solcon = 1366.1; // (W/m^2)
66  //Math constants
67  static const double phi = (1.+sqrt(5)) / 2.; //golden ratio
68  static const double e = 2.71828182845904523536; // e
69  static const double Log2e = 1.44269504088896340736; // log2(e)
70  static const double Log10e = 0.434294481903251827651; // log10(e)
71  static const double Ln2 = 0.693147180559945309417; // ln(2)
72  static const double Ln10 = 2.30258509299404568402; // ln(10)
73  static const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846; // pi
74  static const double PI2 = 1.57079632679489661923; // pi/2
75  static const double PI4 = 0.785398163397448309616; // pi/4
76  static const double InvPI = 0.318309886183790671538; // 1/pi
77  static const double TwoOverPI = 0.636619772367581343076; // 2/pi
78  static const double TwoOverSqrtPI = 1.12837916709551257390; // 2/sqrt(pi)
79  static const double Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880; // sqrt(2)
80  static const double InvSqrt2 = 0.707106781186547524401; // 1/sqrt(2)
81  static const double to_rad = PI/180.; // conversion factor from deg to rad
82  static const double to_deg = 180./PI; // conversion factor from rad to deg
84  static const double dbl_max = DBL_MAX;
85  static const double dbl_min = -DBL_MAX;
86 } //end CST namespace
88 } //end namespace
90 #endif
static const double specific_heat_air
Definition: Meteoconst.h:60
static const double to_rad
Definition: Meteoconst.h:81
static const double t_water_freezing_pt
Definition: Meteoconst.h:50
static const double PI
Definition: Meteoconst.h:73
static const double mean_adiabatique_lapse_rate
Definition: Meteoconst.h:42
static const double specific_heat_ice
Definition: Meteoconst.h:58
static const double phi
Definition: Meteoconst.h:67
static const double e
Definition: Meteoconst.h:68
static const double dry_air_mol_mass
Definition: Meteoconst.h:56
static const double std_press
Definition: Meteoconst.h:40
static const double TwoOverPI
Definition: Meteoconst.h:77
static const double l_water_vaporization
Definition: Meteoconst.h:53
static const double gaz_constant_water_vapor
Definition: Meteoconst.h:46
static const double l_water_fusion
Definition: Meteoconst.h:54
static const double PI4
Definition: Meteoconst.h:75
static const double gaz_constant
Definition: Meteoconst.h:47
static const double l_water_sublimation
Definition: Meteoconst.h:52
static const double water_molecular_mass
Definition: Meteoconst.h:55
static const double Ln10
Definition: Meteoconst.h:72
static const double stefan_boltzmann
Definition: Meteoconst.h:38
static const double Log2e
Definition: Meteoconst.h:69
static const double dbl_max
Definition: Meteoconst.h:84
static const double earth_R0
Definition: Meteoconst.h:62
static const double p_water_triple_pt
Definition: Meteoconst.h:49
static const double gravity
Definition: Meteoconst.h:39
static const double InvSqrt2
Definition: Meteoconst.h:80
static const double solcon
Definition: Meteoconst.h:64
static const double PI2
Definition: Meteoconst.h:74
static const double Ln2
Definition: Meteoconst.h:71
static const double specific_heat_water
Definition: Meteoconst.h:59
static const double dry_adiabatique_lapse_rate
Definition: Meteoconst.h:43
static const double InvPI
Definition: Meteoconst.h:76
static const double Log10e
Definition: Meteoconst.h:70
static const double TwoOverSqrtPI
Definition: Meteoconst.h:78
static const double to_deg
Definition: Meteoconst.h:82
static const double gaz_constant_dry_air
Definition: Meteoconst.h:45
static const double t_water_triple_pt
Definition: Meteoconst.h:51
static const double std_temp
Definition: Meteoconst.h:41
static const double Sqrt2
Definition: Meteoconst.h:79
static const double dbl_min
Definition: Meteoconst.h:85