MeteoIODoc 20240726.5763eff2
Table of content
  1. General overview
    1. General concepts
    2. Configuration file
    3. How to build your io.ini configuration file
    4. External Links
      1. MeteoIO's home page
        1. Installation, compilation
        2. Getting help
    5. Credits & funding
  2. Processing steps documentation
    1. Data sources, input/output
    2. Input Data Editing
    3. Available processing elements and usage
    4. Available temporal interpolations and usage
    5. Available data creators and generators and usage
    6. Available spatial interpolations and usage
    7. Spatial resampling
    8. Temporal grid resampling and usage
  3. Standalone usage
  4. Advanced: Programing using MeteoIO
    1. Example Workflow
    2. Quick overview of the functionnality provided by MeteoIO
    3. Modules list
    4. Usage examples
  5. Advanced: Expanding MeteoIO
    1. How to Write a coordinate system support
    2. How to Write a Plugin
    3. How to Write a processing element
    4. How to Write a resampling algorithm
    5. How to Write a data generator
    6. How to Write a spatial interpolation algorithm

This library aims at making data access easy and safe for numerical simulations in environmental sciences requiring general meteorological data. A full description of its design goals and its architecture can be found in
M. Bavay and T. Egger, "MeteoIO 2.4. 2: a preprocessing library for meteorological data.", Geoscientific Model Development, 7.6, 2014, pp 3135-3151.
This library is available under LPGL version 3 or above, see