const std::string& configfile);
58 void listFields(
const std::string& filename);
60 void initializeGRIDARPS(FILE* &fin,
const std::string& filename);
61 void initializeTrueARPS(FILE* &fin,
const std::string& filename,
const std::string& curr_line);
62 void openGridFile(FILE* &fin,
const std::string& filename);
63 void readGridLayer(FILE* &fin,
const std::string& filename,
const std::string& parameter,
const unsigned int& layer,
Grid2DObject& grid);
64 static void moveToMarker(FILE* &fin,
const std::string& filename,
const std::string& marker);
65 void skipToLayer(FILE* &fin,
const std::string& filename,
const unsigned int& layers)
68 static const double plugin_nodata;
69 static const char* default_ext;
70 std::string coordin, coordinparam, coordout, coordoutparam;
71 std::string grid2dpath_in, grid3dpath_in;
73 unsigned int dimx, dimy, dimz;
75 double xcoord, ycoord;
76 std::vector<double> zcoord;
This class enables the access to 2D grids stored in ARPS format.
Definition: ARPSIO.h:39
virtual void readDEM(DEMObject &dem_out) override
Parse the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) into the Grid2DObject.
Definition: ARPSIO.cc:340
virtual void read3DGrid(Grid3DObject &grid_out, const std::string ¶meter="") override
A generic function for parsing 3D grids into a Grid3DObject. The string parameter shall be used for a...
Definition: ARPSIO.cc:296
virtual void read2DGrid(Grid2DObject &grid_out, const std::string ¶meter="") override
A generic function for parsing 2D grids into a Grid2DObject. The string parameter shall be used for a...
Definition: ARPSIO.cc:165
virtual bool list2DGrids(const Date &, const Date &, std::map< Date, std::set< size_t > > &) override
Return the list of grids within a given time period that could be read by the plugin,...
Definition: ARPSIO.h:47
ARPSIO(const std::string &configfile)
Definition: ARPSIO.cc:80
ARPSIO & operator=(const ARPSIO &)
Assignement operator, required because of pointer member.
Definition: ARPSIO.cc:100
A class that reads a key/value file. These files (typically named *.ini) follow the INI file format s...
Definition: Config.h:77
A class to represent DEMs and automatically compute some properties. This class stores elevation grid...
Definition: DEMObject.h:40
A class to handle timestamps. This class handles conversion between different time display formats (I...
Definition: Date.h:87
A class to represent 2D Grids. Typical application as DEM or Landuse Model.
Definition: Grid2DObject.h:42
A class to represent 3D Grids. Typical application: wind field.
Definition: Grid3DObject.h:39
A class representing the IO Layer of the software Alpine3D. For each type of IO (File,...
Definition: IOInterface.h:98
virtual void read3DGrid(Grid3DObject &grid_out, const std::string ¶meter="")
A generic function for parsing 3D grids into a Grid3DObject. The string parameter shall be used for a...
Definition: IOInterface.cc:94
this enum provides names for possible meteogrids (from an ARPS file, etc)
Definition: MeteoData.h:46