#include <cfloat>
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | mio |
namespace | mio::Cst |
Macros | |
#define | STR1(x) #x |
_VERSION is given as a compilation flag to tell us what is the version number Please only use MIO_VERSION in the code More... | |
#define | STR2(x) STR1(x) |
#define | MIO_VERSION STR2( _VERSION ) |
Variables | |
static const double | mio::Cst::stefan_boltzmann = 5.670373e-8 |
static const double | mio::Cst::gravity = 9.80665 |
static const double | mio::Cst::std_press = 101325. |
static const double | mio::Cst::std_temp = 288.15 |
static const double | mio::Cst::mean_adiabatique_lapse_rate = 0.0065 |
static const double | mio::Cst::dry_adiabatique_lapse_rate = 0.0098 |
static const double | mio::Cst::gaz_constant_dry_air = 287.058 |
static const double | mio::Cst::gaz_constant_water_vapor = 461.9 |
static const double | mio::Cst::gaz_constant = 8.31451 |
static const double | mio::Cst::p_water_triple_pt = 611.73 |
static const double | mio::Cst::t_water_freezing_pt = 273.15 |
static const double | mio::Cst::t_water_triple_pt = 273.16 |
static const double | mio::Cst::l_water_sublimation = 2.838e6 |
static const double | mio::Cst::l_water_vaporization = 2.504e6 |
static const double | mio::Cst::l_water_fusion = 3.34e5 |
static const double | mio::Cst::water_molecular_mass = 18.0153e-3 |
static const double | mio::Cst::dry_air_mol_mass = 0.0289644 |
static const double | mio::Cst::specific_heat_ice = 2100.0 |
static const double | mio::Cst::specific_heat_water = 4190.0 |
static const double | mio::Cst::specific_heat_air = 1004.67 |
static const double | mio::Cst::earth_R0 = 6356766.0 |
static const double | mio::Cst::solcon = 1366.1 |
static const double | mio::Cst::albedo_short_grass = .23 |
static const double | mio::Cst::albedo_bare_soil = 0.17 |
static const double | mio::Cst::albedo_fresh_snow = .85 |
static const double | mio::Cst::snow_nosnow_thresh = .1 |
static const double | mio::Cst::phi = (1.+sqrt(5)) / 2. |
static const double | mio::Cst::e = 2.71828182845904523536 |
static const double | mio::Cst::Log2e = 1.44269504088896340736 |
static const double | mio::Cst::Log10e = 0.434294481903251827651 |
static const double | mio::Cst::Ln2 = 0.693147180559945309417 |
static const double | mio::Cst::Ln10 = 2.30258509299404568402 |
static const double | mio::Cst::PI = 3.14159265358979323846 |
static const double | mio::Cst::PI2 = 1.57079632679489661923 |
static const double | mio::Cst::PI4 = 0.785398163397448309616 |
static const double | mio::Cst::InvPI = 0.318309886183790671538 |
static const double | mio::Cst::TwoOverPI = 0.636619772367581343076 |
static const double | mio::Cst::TwoOverSqrtPI = 1.12837916709551257390 |
static const double | mio::Cst::Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880 |
static const double | mio::Cst::InvSqrt2 = 0.707106781186547524401 |
static const double | mio::Cst::to_rad = PI/180. |
static const double | mio::Cst::to_deg = 180./PI |
static const double | mio::Cst::dbl_max = DBL_MAX |
static const double | mio::Cst::dbl_min = -DBL_MAX |
#define STR1 | ( | x | ) | #x |
_VERSION is given as a compilation flag to tell us what is the version number
Please only use MIO_VERSION in the code
#define STR2 | ( | x | ) | STR1(x) |