This plugin deals with data that has been transmitted through the ARGOS satellites. In order to reduce data transfers, no headers are provided with the data and therefore all the metadata will have to be provided to the plugin.
- Author
- Mathias Bavay
- Date
- 2019-03-21
| ArgosIO (const std::string &configfile) |
| ArgosIO (const ArgosIO &) |
| ArgosIO (const Config &cfgreader) |
virtual void | readStationData (const Date &date, std::vector< StationData > &vecStation) override |
| Fill vecStation with StationData objects for a certain date of interest. More...
virtual void | readMeteoData (const Date &dateStart, const Date &dateEnd, std::vector< std::vector< MeteoData > > &vecMeteo) override |
| Fill vecMeteo with a time series of objects corresponding to the interval indicated by dateStart and dateEnd. More...
virtual | ~IOInterface () |
virtual bool | list2DGrids (const Date &start, const Date &end, std::map< Date, std::set< size_t > > &list) |
| Return the list of grids within a given time period that could be read by the plugin, if requested. More...
virtual void | read2DGrid (Grid2DObject &grid_out, const std::string ¶meter="") |
| A generic function for parsing 2D grids into a Grid2DObject. The string parameter shall be used for addressing the specific 2D grid to be parsed into the Grid2DObject, relative to GRID2DPATH for most plugins. More...
virtual void | read2DGrid (Grid2DObject &grid_out, const MeteoGrids::Parameters ¶meter, const Date &date) |
| Read the given meteo parameter into a Grid2DObject. Each plugin has its own logic for finding the requested meteo parameter grid relative to GRID2DPATH for most plugins. More...
virtual void | readPointsIn2DGrid (std::vector< double > &data, const MeteoGrids::Parameters ¶meter, const Date &date, const std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > &Pts) |
| Read the given meteo parameter into a vector for a list of points. Each plugin has its own logic for finding the requested meteo parameter grid relative to GRID2DPATH for most plugins. More...
virtual void | read3DGrid (Grid3DObject &grid_out, const std::string ¶meter="") |
| A generic function for parsing 3D grids into a Grid3DObject. The string parameter shall be used for addressing the specific 3D grid to be parsed into the Grid3DObject, relative to GRID3DPATH for most plugins. More...
virtual void | read3DGrid (Grid3DObject &grid_out, const MeteoGrids::Parameters ¶meter, const Date &date) |
| Read the given meteo parameter into a Grid3DObject. Each plugin has its own logic for finding the requested meteo parameter grid relative to GRID3DPATH for most plugins. More...
virtual void | readDEM (DEMObject &dem_out) |
| Parse the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) into the Grid2DObject. More...
virtual void | readLanduse (Grid2DObject &landuse_out) |
| Parse the landuse model into the Grid2DObject. More...
virtual void | readGlacier (Grid2DObject &glacier_out) |
| Parse the input glacier grid into the Grid2DObject. More...
virtual void | readStationData (const Date &date, std::vector< StationData > &vecStation) |
| Fill vecStation with StationData objects for a certain date of interest. More...
virtual void | readMeteoData (const Date &dateStart, const Date &dateEnd, std::vector< std::vector< MeteoData > > &vecMeteo) |
| Fill vecMeteo with a time series of objects corresponding to the interval indicated by dateStart and dateEnd. More...
virtual void | writeMeteoData (const std::vector< std::vector< MeteoData > > &vecMeteo, const std::string &name="") |
| Write vecMeteo time series to a certain destination. More...
virtual void | readAssimilationData (const Date &date_in, Grid2DObject &da_out) |
| Parse the assimilation data into a Grid2DObject for a certain date represented by the Date object. More...
virtual void | readPOI (std::vector< Coords > &pts) |
| Read a list of points by their grid coordinates This allows for example to get a list of points where to produce more detailed outputs. More...
virtual void | write2DGrid (const Grid2DObject &grid_out, const std::string &options="") |
| Write a Grid2DObject The filename is specified relative to GRID2DPATH for most plugins. More...
virtual void | write2DGrid (const Grid2DObject &grid_out, const MeteoGrids::Parameters ¶meter, const Date &date) |
| Write a Grid2DObject containing a known meteorological parameter A filename is built relative to GRID2DPATH for most plugins. More...
virtual void | write3DGrid (const Grid3DObject &grid_out, const std::string &options="") |
| Write a Grid3DObject The filename is specified relative to GRID3DPATH for most plugins. More...
virtual void | write3DGrid (const Grid3DObject &grid_out, const MeteoGrids::Parameters ¶meter, const Date &date) |
| Write a Grid3DObject comtaining a known meteorological parameter A filename is build relative to GRID3DPATH for most plugins. More...