Incoming Long Wave Radiation interpolation algorithm.
Each ILWR is converted to an emissivity (using the local air temperature), interpolated using IDW_LAPSE and reconverted to ILWR. As a side effect, the user must have defined algorithms to be used for air temperature (since this is needed for emissivity to ILWR conversion). The lapse rate definition arguments as parsed by Trend::Trend() are supported (but keep in mind these apply to the emissivity, not to the ILWR!) as well as the following arguments:
- SCALE: this is a scaling parameter to smooth the IDW distribution. In effect, this is added to the distance in order to move into the tail of the 1/d distribution (default: 1000m);
- ALPHA: this is an exponent to the 1/d distribution (default: 1);
- Note
- the emissivity variation is not linear with elevation, but it is possible to derive some approximate lapse rate for the elevation on interest, for example from Centeno, M. "New formulae for the equivalent night sky emissivity", 1982, Solar Energy, 28(6), 489-498 (watch out, an exponent is wrong in quation 13 page 491). A better approach would be to use a power function to fit the emissivity as a function of the elevation...
ILWR::algorithms = ILWR_EPS
ILWR::ilwr_eps::soft = true
ILWR::ilwr_eps::rate = -1.8e-5 ;around 2000m elevation
| ILWREpsAlgorithm (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &vecArgs, const std::string &i_algo, const std::string &i_param, TimeSeriesManager &i_tsm, Meteo2DInterpolator &i_mi) |
virtual double | getQualityRating (const Date &i_date) override |
virtual void | calculate (const DEMObject &dem, Grid2DObject &grid) override |
| InterpolationAlgorithm (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &, const std::string &i_algo, const std::string &i_param, TimeSeriesManager &i_tsm) |
virtual | ~InterpolationAlgorithm () |
virtual double | getQualityRating (const Date &i_date)=0 |
virtual void | calculate (const DEMObject &dem, Grid2DObject &grid)=0 |
std::string | getInfo () const |
| Return an information string about the interpolation process. More...