MeteoIODoc 20250312.660e6d76
Spatial interpolations


class  mio::ALS_Interpolation
 Scale and distribute the precipitation according to Airborn Laser Scans (ALS) grids. More...
class  mio::AvgAlgorithm
 Average filling interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::AvgLapseRateAlgorithm
 Average filling with elevation lapse rate interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::ConstAlgorithm
 Constant filling interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::IDWAlgorithm
 Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::IDWLapseAlgorithm
 Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation algorithm with elevation detrending/reprojection. More...
class  mio::LocalIDWLapseAlgorithm
 Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation algorithm with elevation detrending/reprojection. More...
class  mio::IDWSlopesAlgorithm
 Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation with splitted N/E/S/W slopes and flats. More...
class  mio::ILWREpsAlgorithm
 Incoming Long Wave Radiation interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::ListonWindAlgorithm
 Curvature/slope influenced wind interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::NearestNeighbourAlgorithm
 Fill each pixel with the measured data of its closests station. More...
class  mio::NoneAlgorithm
 Returns a nodata filled grid. More...
class  mio::OrdinaryKrigingAlgorithm
 Ordinary kriging. More...
class  mio::LapseOrdinaryKrigingAlgorithm
 Ordinary kriging with detrending. More...
class  mio::PPHASEInterpolation
 Precipitation phase splitting generation. More...
class  mio::RHListonAlgorithm
 Relative humidity interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::RyanAlgorithm
 DEM-based wind direction interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::SnowlineAlgorithm
 Assimilation of snowline elevation information into snow maps. More...
class  mio::SnowPSUMInterpolation
 Precipitation distribution according to the local slope and curvature. More...
class  mio::StandardPressureAlgorithm
 Standard atmospheric pressure interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::SWRadInterpolation
 Solar radiation interpolation with optional terrain shading. More...
class  mio::USERInterpolation
 Reads user provided gridded data on the disk. More...
class  mio::WinstralAlgorithm
 DEM-based wind-exposure interpolation algorithm. More...
class  mio::WinstralListonAlgorithm
 DEM-based wind-exposure interpolation algorithm, for a spatially explicit varying DW field. More...

Detailed Description

Documentation for available spatial interpolations algorithms components that compute the spatial distribution of a given parameter. These are mostly wrappers around 2D interpolations.