Solar radiation interpolation with optional terrain shading.
The splitting coefficients and an atmospheric losses factors are computed at each station that provides ISWR and spatially interpolated with an Inverse Distance Weighting scheme. Then the potential radiation is computed at each pixel and scaled appropriately with the atmospheric loss factor for this pixel. When applying topographic shading (default), the local splitting coefficient is used. The global, horizontal (except when using the PROJECT_ON_SLOPE option) short wave radiation is then returned. It supports the following arguments:
- SHADING: if set to FALSE, turns off topographic shading (default: TRUE);
- PROJECT_ON_SLOPE: if set to TRUE, the computed radiation will be projected on the slopes (default: FALSE so it returns an horizontal radiation field);
- SCALE: this is a scaling parameter to smooth the IDW distribution. In effect, this is added to the distance in order to move into the tail of the 1/d distribution (default: 1000m);
- ALPHA: this is an exponent to the 1/d distribution (default: 1);
ISWR::algorithms = SWRad
ISWR::SWRad::shading = true
- Note
- For this method to work, you also need to define spatial interpolations algorithms for TA, RH and P (a basic STD_PRESS algorithm is usually enough)
This algorithm is quite time consuming (specially the topographic shading) and therefore not appropriate for very large domains.
| SWRadInterpolation (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &vecArgs, const std::string &i_algo, const std::string &i_param, TimeSeriesManager &i_tsm, Meteo2DInterpolator &i_mi) |
virtual double | getQualityRating (const Date &i_date) override |
virtual void | calculate (const DEMObject &dem, Grid2DObject &grid) override |
| InterpolationAlgorithm (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &, const std::string &i_algo, const std::string &i_param, TimeSeriesManager &i_tsm) |
virtual | ~InterpolationAlgorithm () |
virtual double | getQualityRating (const Date &i_date)=0 |
virtual void | calculate (const DEMObject &dem, Grid2DObject &grid)=0 |
std::string | getInfo () const |
| Return an information string about the interpolation process. More...