Standard atmospheric pressure interpolation algorithm.
This first fills the grid with the standard atmosphere's pressure, depending on the local elevation. Then, depending on the available data:
- if there are no measured atmospheric pressure, nothing else happens;
- if one station has measured local atmospheric pressure, its offset to the standard atmospheric pressure is computed and applied to the computed grid;
- if multiple stations have measured local atmospheric pressure:
- default: the average offset will be applied to the computed grid;
- USE_RESIDUALS option set to TRUE: the residuals are computed at each station, spatially distributed (with IDW) and applied to the computed grid. Therefore the following extra arguments are supported:
- SCALE: this is a scaling parameter to smooth the IDW distribution. In effect, this is added to the distance in order to move into the tail of the 1/d distribution (default: 1000m);
- ALPHA: this is an exponent to the 1/d distribution (default: 1);
P::algorithms = STD_PRESS
P::Std_Press::USE_RESIDUALS = true
| StandardPressureAlgorithm (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &vecArgs, const std::string &i_algo, const std::string &i_param, TimeSeriesManager &i_tsm) |
virtual double | getQualityRating (const Date &i_date) override |
virtual void | calculate (const DEMObject &dem, Grid2DObject &grid) override |
| InterpolationAlgorithm (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &, const std::string &i_algo, const std::string &i_param, TimeSeriesManager &i_tsm) |
virtual | ~InterpolationAlgorithm () |
virtual double | getQualityRating (const Date &i_date)=0 |
virtual void | calculate (const DEMObject &dem, Grid2DObject &grid)=0 |
std::string | getInfo () const |
| Return an information string about the interpolation process. More...