Data Access Made Easy (DAME) is an initiative that builds upon the open source MeteoIO meteorological data pre-processing library to provide data management capabilities for timeseries of meteorological data before their final publication. More specifically, it allows to describe how to access and parse the raw data (as directly out of the data acquisition system), delete known invalid periods, apply corerctions to the data (such as offsets or calibration factors) and standardize the data (in terms of naming, metadata and file format). It is also possible either at the same time or in a second step to define filters to be applied on each measured parameter in order to detect invalid data and to generate logs that document how the data quality evolves over time, per station and per parameter. Therefore, when integrated with the data acquisition system and the data publication system, the full data life cycle is covered.
System overview
The full system is shown in Fig. 2. In this example, the data publication service is WSL's Envidat. The data processor is MeteoIO, the data workbench (2) is curently in development and will be delivered soon, funds have been granted for the work on the Network Monitoring and the Data Quality Monitoring (1) as well as for the link to the data publication service (4). The metadata management system (4) does not exists yet.
Use cases
The goal is for the system to be modular and flexible, so it can be reused in different contexts, enabling, disabling or swapping modules as required. Currently, it is used for WMO's Global Cryosphere Watch, for the Horizon 2020 project Arctic Passion and for SLF's own internal needs.