DIstribution stats
The downloads usually list our own downloads (that are well known) as well as third party mirrors, at a given date. The uncertainties come from the possibility of third party mirrors not being noticed by us, third party mirrors not giving their own download statistics as well as the behavior of the end user (Is he going to download multiple times the same package? Is he going to further distribute what he downloaded only once?). Finally, the sums that are given for each version are not equal to the sum of the numbers in their matching table: the documentation downloads are excluded and for Softpedia, the delta between the previous release and the current one are used (since Softpedia provides accumulated downloads).
Versions 2.4.xx
Release 2.4.0, 2013-11-09
As of 2014-02-04
Package | Count |
documentation | 68 |
Linux tarball | 77 |
Linux deb | 22 |
Linux rpm | 11 |
source tarball | 75 |
Mac installer | 45 |
Windows, Gcc | 26 |
Mac Softpedia | 430 |
Sum | 400 |
Versions 2.3.xx
Release 2.3.0, 2012-12-26
As of 2014-02-04
Package | Count |
documentation | 169 |
Linux tarball | 97 |
Linux deb | 101 |
Linux rpm | 83 |
source tarball | 207 |
Mac installer | 92 |
Windows, Gcc | 126 |
Win Softpedia | 899 |
softepic.com | 83 |
Sum | 1319 |
Versions 2.1.xx
Release 2.1.2, 2011-11-15
As of 2012-06-03
Package | Count |
documentation | 122 |
Linux tarball | 45 |
Linux deb | 44 |
Linux rpm | 35 |
source tarball | 157 |
Mac installer | 48 |
Windows, VC++ | 89 |
Windows, Gcc | 64 |
Win Softpedia | 369 |
Mac Softpedia | 286 |
Win Wareseeker | 11 |
Mac downloadplex | 93 |
Win downloadplex | 90 |
soft82.com | 33 |
Sum | 880 |
Release 2.1.1, 2011-09-19
As of 2011-11-15
Package | Count |
documentation | 23 |
Linux tarball | 19 |
Linux deb | 14 |
Linux rpm | 10 |
source tarball | 26 |
Mac installer | 15 |
Windows, VC++ | 22 |
Windows, Gcc | 11 |
Win Softpedia | 235 |
Mac Softpedia | 249 |
Mac Wareseeker | 13 |
Sum | 614 |
Release 2.1.0, 2011-06-24
As of 2011-11-15
Package | Count |
documentation | 27 |
Linux tarball | 18 |
Linux deb | 14 |
Linux rpm | 20 |
source tarball | 50 |
Mac installer | 22 |
Windows, VC++ | 43 |
Windows, Gcc | 27 |
Mac Softpedia | 248 |
Brothersoft | \>5+2 |
Mac Wareseeker | 10 |
Softepic | 59 |
Just-download | 36 |
Topdownloads | 6 |
downloadbee.com | 34 |
Sum | 594 |
Versions 2.0.xx
Release 2.0.0, 2011-02-15
As of 2011-06-27
Package | Count |
documentation | 67 |
Linux tarball | 22 |
Linux deb | 26 |
Linux rpm | 14 |
source tarball | 102 |
ddxia.com | 266 |
Sum | 430 |
Versions 1.1.xx
Release 1.1.3, 2010-11-05
As of 2011-06-27
Package | Count |
documentation | 57 |
Linux tarball | 35 |
source tarball | 64 |
Mac Softpedia | 214 |
Famouswhy | \>265 redirects |
Mac Wareseeker | 10 |
Sum | 323 |
Release 1.1.2, 2010-09-08
As of 2011-06-27
Package | Count |
documentation | 75 |
Linux tarball | 58 |
source tarball | 86 |
Sum | 144 |
Release 1.1.1, 2010-08-10
As of 2011-06-27
Package | Count |
documentation | 39 |
Linux tarball | 24 |
source tarball | 38 |
Sum | 62 |
Release 1.1.0, 2010-07-22
As of 2011-06-27
Package | Count |
documentation | 38 |
Linux tarball | 33 |
source tarball | 49 |
Sum | 82 |
Versions 1.0.xx
Release 1.0.0, 2009-09-18
As of 2011-06-27
Package | Count |
documentation | 95 |
source tarball | 145 |
Sum | 145 |